
June 24, 2014

A Report from RomCon14

Last June almost all of the Plotting Princesses attended RomCon13 a reader conference in Colorado Springs intended to celebrate all things Romance, and I was lucky enough to have my book, A BREATH OF SCANDAL named the winner of the Reader’s Crown for Historicals.

This year the RomCon14 was held in Denver, Colorado, and only two of us, Sylvia McDaniel and myself, were able to attend. But what we found was more of the same wonderful interaction with readers that we had come to expect from a small, regional con like RomCon.

The reader to author ratio was an intimate six to one, and as the conference is still fairly small, both Sylvia and I (and many other authors) were able to participate in multiple sessions per day.

Together we (and a few other authors) sponsored Bridal Shower Mania and The Naked Hero games for readers, while Sylvia also sponsored “We Love Cowboys” and “Candyman,” and I struck off with a few other authors for “Mimosa Madness” and a reading of “Magical Firsts.” We also participated in a very well attended signing.

June 21, 2014

Summertime is here! Summertime news! Summertime books! #MFRWorg #PlottingPrincesses


The latest information, tidbits, and of course, books is in this special Summertime edition of the Plotting Princesses newsletter.

Take a peek. You never know....

June 19, 2014

Move over #soccer. I like playing the game What If? #MFRWorg

Hey, don't hate me because soccer isn't my favorite game. LOL

Actually, I didn't grow up with soccer. Football reigns here. But then, my cousin began playing and I accompanied my aunt and uncle to his games. And since we went to the same university, I watched him play there.
But there are other games. For example, this car game:

What if a friend decided to play a silly Q & A while driving home from a fun girl weekend?
What if she asked the question, “Write the opening words of a book using the word window.”
What if your answer was doggie doo-doo?

June 17, 2014

@MichelleMiles presents #TuesdayTeaser

Happy Tuesday! Today, we're going to tease you, baby, with some super sexy snippets from some of the Princesses. AND I have freshly delivered print copies of ONLY FOR A KNIGHT, book two in the Realm of Honor series, so leave a comment and you can win a signed copy! My tease for that is last, but in the meantime, here are some perfectly sexy snippets! Happy reading!

June 10, 2014

Coverpalooza! by Kathy Ivan


Instead of having a long drawn out post, today I thought I'd give a little visual inspiration instead.  Below are some covers from releases by Plotting Princesses.  To be as fair as possible, I've only posted one cover for each Princess.  

Feel free to check out not only the book highlighted below, but all of the books available by the lovely and talented Plotting Princesses.  

So, in no particular order, here you go:

June 5, 2014

Plotter or Pantser or Hybrid, Oh My! by Kathy Ivan

I posted this on another blog that I write for and they found it interesting, so I thought I'd share it with you wonderful people who read the Princesses blog.  Plus I wanted to show off the cool header that I've got for my books.  (Isn't it cool?)  

Ever wonder what style of writer you are?  As a reader, have you asked yourself, gee, I wonder where they came up with that idea?  Everybody seems to have their own technique or ritual or personal voodoo they go through before they start a new book.  Here are a few. 

June 3, 2014

Vacation - All I Ever Wanted

So it’s June. School is out or very nearly out for many kids, and it’s time to start thinking about getting away. We leave very soon for Colorado where we will visit family and go up to our property and talk to the builder we’ve chosen. While we’re there, we’ll do some hiking, fishing and resting. I’m emphasizing that last point because frankly I’m needing the resting part.

To me there are two types of vacations. The whirlwind where you’re trying to see and visit everything and the one where you’re just resting. I have to say that the one we’re about to embark on will be a combination of both. There will be some downtime, but there is also the whirlwind where we will visit three different family members in three different cities. There would have been a fourth, but I nixed that one and said sorry. No time.

My favorite vacations are the ones where you rent a house on the beach, and all you do is go down the steps to the ocean get wet and then go back in the house or sit on the veranda and stare at the ocean. You can do this with the mountains as well, but most of the time we’re out hiking or doing something in the mountains.