
May 10, 2012

Character Inspiration

Character inspiration is one of the things I love to do most when researching my stories.

Why, you ask? I'm a visual writer - I NEED to see my characters to really nail their movements, mannerisms, expressions - etc.And, being the movie-addict I am, I tend to draw most of my characters from actors and actresses. So I get to spend hours searching for my ideal character images. I know, it's hard work - but someone has to do it, right? I have a lovely Greek Gods chart with 'my' cast of characters photos taped over those printed on the poster. When I get stuck I can stare at my character and visualize them 'in motion'. I know it sounds weird, but it really works for me... most of the time.

But sometimes I get stuck. Ares is one of those times.

Imagine, if you will, a pretty mental dude. He lives for battle, death, violence, and blood. He's a visceral reaction, a nightmare, an adrenaline jolt that leaves no doubt that he will kill, torture, and maim without the slightest hesitation or regret. He has to have crazy eyes. The kind that intrigue, terrify, and demand... So, there you have it. I know, he sounds awesome, right? And yet, I need to make him irresistible to Aphrodite - without softening him one iota. Finding that person, visually, has been tricky.

I'd love to hear your suggestions. Below are my top two contender, but you can give me someone new to consider.
Here are my top contenders - and they're both yummy:

Michael Fassbender                

Daniel Craig

Have a great almost Friday - Sasha :)


  1. Fantastic blog, Sasha! Thanks for the Thursday morning eye candy! ;)

  2. Anytime Alisha :) I'm all about the eye candy! LOL!!

  3. Daniel is more intellectual-looking

  4. Characterization to me is what makes good stories. Daniel is yummy, but I like Michael Fassbender. To me he looks more like the character you're describing. I've found that having a strong, alpha male character requires giving him some part of his personality that makes you say ah.... A great example of this is the very popular Shades of Gray books. At the end of the second one, the character melted my heart. I can't give details away as it would be a spoiler, but the characterization is what makes these books. Not the writing or the hot sex, but definately the alpha male Mr. Grey. Great post Sasha!

  5. I'm thinking Michael. Talk about eyes being the window to his soul. He's brooding, which is what I'm sure you're going for, but I'll bet he's smoking behind closed doors. There's a world of thought in his expression.

  6. Sasha you have impeccable taste! I've used both those gentlemen as inspiration before, most recently I used Daniel Craig as a physical template for Hugh McAlden in THE DANGER OF DESIRE. But for pure crazy, I think you'll need a little Fassbender. LOVED him as crazy/tortured/in love in JANE EYRE. :)

    I'm also a huge Clive Owen fan. He does crazy pretty well too! :)

    Good luck with your difficult and lengthy research!

  7. He was an amazing Mr. Rochester, wasn't he? It's a tough call - and I appreciate the input... This is my kind of research - let me tell you!

  8. well - I don't always have exact faces - but sometimes it works out that way- in my case - real people though.

    In my first book the sort of villain was based on an Uncle's 2nd wife - She was fun to write!! LOL I'd get stuck and just picture her talking without ever breaking the surgical smile- LOL.

    As for your character - I'm picturing the actor Jim Caviezel from the tv show Person of Interest- He's got a really strong Hard side to him and yet- he's irresistable. Great Character!!

  9. You have good choices. It must be the blue eyes that convey what you are looking for.

  10. I can totally relate to the way you deal with your characters. I love watching movies and that's the way I write - I see them acting in front of me in my mind's eye and then write down what I see and hear.
    Nice post.

  11. Definitely Michael. Look at those eyes!!

  12. Check out Benedict Cumberbatch - new Star Trek villain and currently Sherlock in the Masterpiece Mystery Theater series on PBS. Dark, brooding, cerebral, eyes a little dead sometimes, and sometimes a little wild. He may be what you're looking for.

  13. Wow, great choices, Sasha! I don't know why but I've always pictured Ares as darker, dark hair and dark eyes. (I'll e-mail you a photo I think might work). LOL

    Finding the right character look sometimes just seems to make the person more "real". You can see them, hear them, even want to reach out and touch them. :-)

    Great post!

  14. The Ares in my mind's eye is always gritty, dark, violent, and sexy hot in that down and dirty way. Like Jason Mamoa in the remake of Conan the Barbarian. Long black hair, thick, muscley body, and an almost visceral look in his eye. :)

  15. Definitely Daniel Craig but I have to admit I recently watched The Girl with the Dragon tattoo and I was so impressed with the movie, it's left its mark on me. Great post and very fun. I'm an eyes girl too so this one is tough.

  16. Yummy! Put me down for Daniel Craig - I've seen him show that edge of violence you're looking for.

  17. I love how people see characters so differently - it makes it so much more interesting. I'm so glad I'm not the only one whose so into their visuals! After all, a gal has to have a little fun while she's researching the details of ancient religious ceremonies or what a period-appropriate saddle was made from, right?

  18. Hi Sasha! I like reading about how you come up with your characters. Out of the two you have, I'd pick Michael. I like Daniel, but can't see him as Ares. What about the actor who played Loki in the Avengers? He made a good bad guy. :) (which is how I always picture Ares, no offense!)
