
July 31, 2012

Cherished Memories

Today my daughter turns 14! My baby girl? She can't be. It can't possibly have been 14 years ago that I drove to the hospital with my father for my very organized c-section. After all, I remember everything about that day like it was yesterday.

My husband and I already had our eldest daughter - we were total helicopter parents too. We worried over her, how she was going to handle having a new sister, being separated from me while I was in the hospital (I'd never left her - she was 18 months old) - all sorts of things. To make it easier, my husband stayed with her and my father drove me to the hospital. Once daughter 1 was in bed for nap, my husband would come to the hospital in time to be there for daughter 2. But he ran late... so late that my father was growing paler and paler with every second. He was not hospital operating room material - but I knew he would go with me if my husband didn't make it. When the nurse handed my father scrubs and told him where to change, he straightened his shoulders, patted my shoulder, and told me he'd be right back.

Ten minutes later I was in the operating room and my husband, not my father, joined me. Five minutes after that we were both happily crying a little as our second child, a beautiful baby girl with a full head of hair and reassuringly functioning lungs announced herself to the delivery room.

I remember everything about that day like it was yesterday - not 14 years ago!

It's hard to accept that my baby now plays the viola with skill, reads like she's racing to the next one, loves all things giraffes, and cooking and cleaning (I have no idea where she got her love of cleaning?).
There are memories that are so vivid that I feel like I've been transported back in time, engaging all my senses. And I cherish them, holding on tight so that they don't dim.

I know I'm not alone so share! What's one of your favorite, most vivid, memories?

Thanks for letting me share mine with you. And Happy Birthday Baby Girl! I'm so proud of the amazing young woman you are! You are a gift to everyone that knows you!


  1. Oh, Sasha! Happy birthday to your baby. What a wonderful story to share about your dad, too.

    My cherished memory about my boys is with #2 son. We worked hard to get him here. Three major thunderstorms, and one false hope later, we went to the hospital. He looked nothing like #1 son, like I'd imagined and he's grown to be a tall one with special green eyes.

  2. Just the other day, I was trying to explain to a friend what happens when you become a mom. How everything changes. How you'll never see the world the same way, but that it's good, and it's all right, but that you can never go back to the person you were before you had your kids.

    I think we're all a little like the Grinch (but mostly nicer) because our hearts all grow ten sizes the day we become moms.

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. What a special memory to share with us, Sasha! I don't have any kids so I can only imagine the joy that brings to you.

    Wishing your daughter a very happy birthday!

  4. Vicki - it is miraculous, to see them grow and change from their diaper-dom. Elizabeth - that's exactly right!!!
    Thanks for the birthday wishes Kathy - I will share them with her :)

  5. Wonderful story. Yes, the day we give birth and bring a new person into our families are truly blessed days. I remember when both of my boys were born almost like yesterday and it's been many more than 14 years. Ha.

    Happy birthday to the viola playing, reading daughter!

  6. Yes, Sasha, a lovely story to share. Happy Birthday to baby girl!

  7. What a fantastic story, Sasha. And kudos to your father for stepping up--or almost!! When I had my child (at a military hospital far away from my mom and sisters) hubby was there with me then he would go home to take care of my daughter who had just turned two. The night before I was supposed to go home, he showed up in my room carrying my daughter who had a big gash on her forehead with blood running down her face and she didn't seem to recognize me. (She'd pulled the barstool on top of herself.) Anyway, my doc wouldn't let me go down to the ER with them, but I was told she entertained everyone down there with her antics. The OB nurses all sent fruit, gum, etc.

    Kiss baby girl for me and wish her happy birthday.

  8. Ohhh...that was such a sweet story. Happy sweet 14th Birthday. I was just discovering boys at that age. By the way, you don't look like you're old enough to have a daughter that age.

  9. Happy Birthday to your girl! Great story! Thank you for sharing!

  10. What a beautiful story, Sasha! I hope your daughter had a wonderful birthday! Kids make everything more fun and my grandfather used to always tell me that he and my grandmother would have been terribly bored if they'd never had kids. That stuck with me. My cherished memory is having my baby boy at Chrimstmastime and the nurses playing Christmas music during my C-Section and it was this glorious song of angels singing. My husband held my hand and it was super romantic. <3
