
August 13, 2013

#PlottingPrincesses welcome @GeriFoster on Conference fun!!

Geri Foster is the PP gals guest today. She's a fabulous romantic suspense writer and here's a chance to get to know her better. Welcome, Geri!!
Conference Fun!!

This year I went to the Romantic Times Conference and RomCon for the sole purpose of meeting and engaging with readers of Romance. I had a wonderful time and met many delightful people while at these two conferences. I also had the privilege to meet several of my favorite writers and became a fan to some I’d never read before.

The whole experience was career changing. I returned home determined to write more stories, have deeper plots and develop compelling characters if it killed me. I wanted to be better for those wonderful readers I’d met, and I wanted to be equal to the outstanding writers I’d came in contact with.
That’s true inspiration.
As writers we’re often alone in a dark room in the middle of the night pounding on our computers. We rarely see the end result of our hard work except when we receive payment for books bought. That’s a very cold way of doing business. Yet we don’t own shops where customers come in and browse and we get to know them in the process. With no face to face contact we have no idea what a reader really wants from a writer.  We only have a paycheck and reviews to gauge our success. With only a few tools to work with, we write hoping our readers will like what we’ve spent months writing. If they do, and they let us know, we’re thrilled. If they aren’t happy with our story, we languish for days on how to get better at our craft.

I think the way to write the stories readers will love is to love what you write.

I pour my heart and soul into my stories. I don’t hold anything back for the next story. The book I’m working on is where all my love, energy, and brain power goes. I dig deep to find everything there is to know about my characters. I push to make my stories as exciting and emotional as possible. When I write the end… it truly is the end for me. I’m exhausted and thrilled, but I also know I gave that book every ounce of blood I had in my body.

Do I love it? You bet I do. It’s the reason I get up every day and come to this computer and work long hours for my readers. I want them to know when they pick up one of my books they’re in for a memorable experience.

Write On!

Geri Foster always loves to hear from her readers and other writers. You may contact her at the links below.



  1. Good morning, Geri, and welcome to the Plotting Princesses. Anybody who loves action, adventure, and romance--if you haven't tried Geri's books run out and grab them. They are so good! I devoured both of them and I'm anxiously waiting for the third in the series (out soon I know). LOL

    We had a blast at conference and can't wait to do it again next year!

  2. Hi Geri,
    We had a blast at Romcon and RT. We met new people at RT that was fun. We closed down the bar one night and probably drove our roommate nuts. It was fun. I'm looking forward to RT2014.


  3. Hi Geri!!!
    Wonderful to see you here at Plotting Princesses.

    Wow! I'm so impressed you went to all those conferences. You make a good point about how it's nice to meet the readers we write for face to face.

    Love your cover! (hee hee)
    Your books sound so fun. I ran over to Amazon and ordered.

  4. I love to write too. It's a passion that doesn't quit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    I love your cover!

  5. Hi, Geri! Great cover. I loved meeting readers at RomCon and hope to meet more next year.

  6. Geri,

    Sad that I missed RomCom with you!
    Next year, I will definitely be there!

    Interaction with readers is key! I love that I've met some of my favorite writers personally. :)

    I wish you much success and looking forward to Decatur Book Festival with you in a few weeks. Hoping we meet a ton of new readers!

    Hope your day is blessed, good to see you here,

  7. Hi Geri!

    What a great cover - bet that one's flying off the shelf.

    how many more books do you have planned for this series?

  8. Thank you so much ladies! It's wonderful to be here with you today. I love the cover too, Kat is the genius behind that! OUT OF THE NIGHT should be out by the end of this month. My first two books, OUT OF THE DARK, and OUT OF THE SHADOWS are on Amazon now.
    The Falcon series is ten books. I'm going to hate leaving those hunky guys, but I'll move on to something else that's just as much fun to write.
    Thank you so much for stopping by!

  9. Hi, Geri! I love you books. Each one takes the reader on a roller coaster ride they'll never forget with the added bonus of hunky heroes. I, too, am waiting for the next one. Write faster!

  10. terrific cover, Geri. It must be the thing this year to use heroes with their heads cut off. But that works for me, because I can imagine any face I want!

  11. Hi Geri! I'm peeking my head out of the writing cave to say I can't wait to read Out Of The Shadows. That is one sexy cover!!

    I'm enjoying getting to know you better, too.

    Have a great day!

    Take care,


  12. Geri, your love of what you write shines through in your wonderful stories. Keep them coming!

  13. Love your passion, Geri!!

    And I'm looking forward to finding you at the next conference! It's always a pleasure being with you.

    Cheers, EE

  14. Thanks again. Yes I am writing faster and faster everyday. I always get comments about my covers. They're easy to sell at book signings! After OUT OF THE NIGHT, a novella called OUT OF THE PAST is coming out in September and it's about Zoe the Falcon secretary. That's been a fun story to write.

  15. Hi Geri, I'm late to the party, but enjoyed reading about your fun experiences at Romcon and RT. Maybe next year I'll get to be part of the fun!
