The Plotting Princesses Welcome Jerrie Alexander!!
Welcome Jerrie Alexander to The Plotting Princesses! I already know Jerrie is an amazing writer. Being my critique partner, I get to read every word she writes. I wanted to know more about her than I could find in the pages of her dark, gritty romantic suspense books (which have kept me up late way too many times because she keeps me on the edge of my seat). She was gracious enough to answer my questions and share a bit about her new release with us.
Q - If you could be one of the Greek Goddesses, which one would you be?
Q - What is your favorite quote?
A - That's a tough one because there are so
many. But one I really like: “Happiness is when what you think, what you
say, and what you do are in harmony.”
-Mahatma Gandi
A - I'd like the power to alter people's minds.
Mean and cruel people could be altered and their minds channeled to do good.
Okay...that's too mushy! Maybe I'd be better off with the power to travel back
and forth through time. Then I could covertly prevent some of the disasters that
have happened.
Q - What’s the best piece of advice anyone’s ever
given you?
A - Never
give up. It's old but true.
Q - Skittles or Hershey’s Kisses?
A - Seriously? There's only one possible answer
to your question. :) Hershey's Kisses. ![]()
Bonus question:
Q - As the official taste tester of Bread Pudding, who has the
A - We went to New Orleans on vacation a few years back. My
mission was to eat bread pudding at every stop we made even if I had to get it
to go and eat it later. Mr. B's Bistro in the French Quarter was my favorite. Even
though I don't put raisins in my bread pudding, I loved them in this
woman in trouble. A man she loves but can't trust.
When ex-SEAL Nate
Wolfe learns a woman from his past is in danger, nothing will stop him from
protecting her. Not even her.
Dallas Child
Protection Services Investigator Kay Taylor doesn't want or need Nate in her
life. But he doesn't seem to understand the word no. He seems to also have
forgotten the brand he left on her heart.
When Kay is taken and
sold to a monster, the devil himself couldn't stop Nate from doing whatever it
takes to find her...but will he be in time?
chill slammed into her. Again, somebody’s eyes on her sent a shiver up her
arms. She whirled.
black Harley was parked down the block. She paused at the rear of the car and
stared at the rider. Odd that he’d parked away from the funeral crowd and sat
there watching. Damn, the black visor didn’t stop the burn as his gaze bore
down on her. Her breath caught. Was this the man who’d saved her? Wearing a
black leather jacket and matching helmet, the man sat motionless.
started toward him, and the rider stepped off the bike. If this was her ninja,
she’d demand answers after she thanked him. He turned his back to her and then
removed the helmet. His fingers wound through shoulder-length black hair, tying
the strands together with a piece of leather. There was something vaguely
familiar about him. His movements. His shoulders. His hands.
turned to face her, and her heart rate raced toward the ozone.
years of missing Nate Wolfe boiled over. He was here. Really here. She sprang
into his arms, clutched his broad shoulders and leaned into his hard-as-a-rock
chest. God, his scent, a mixture of leather, woodsy cologne and virile man
washed over her. Damn. Her body betrayed her by melting into him.
she whispered into his neck. “You saved me.” Her flesh heated when his large
hands flexed against the small of her back and drew her closer.
hell or high water,” he whispered, his warm breath sending heat streaks across
her skin.
split-second passed before memories of his lying tongue using that same phrase
so many years ago hit her. A volcano of heartbreak erupted and spewed
touch me,” she spit the words at him while scrambling out of reach. “And don’t
you dare say that to me. Ever.”
hugged me.” His eyes went wide and he held his hands up in surrender.
him and his Cheshire cat grin. Kay plowed her right fist into his jaw. God,
pain shot up her arm. His head barely moved. Still, she relished the snap of
his teeth. Obviously, she didn’t hit him hard enough. He rubbed his scruffy jaw
while that sexy little smile inched right back up his cheeks.
are you following me?” Her knuckles hurt like hell, but he’d never know.
He held his hands in front of him, palms up. “No good to see you, Nate? No how
you been? No nothing.”
try this again, slower. Why. Are. You. Fol—”
need to talk.” The fun left his gaze. The sparkle dimmed to seriousness.
stepped further away and sent him a glare designed to blister his flesh from
head to toe. Unaffected, he picked up the cell phone earpiece she’d knocked off
and reattached it to his ear while never taking his navy blue eyes off her.
we don’t. Thank you for saving my life. Now do what you do best. Go away.” She
spun on her heel. Rubbing her now swelling hand, Kay stalked straight to her
waiting friend.
okay?” Holly asked over the top of the car before she slid behind the wheel.
I didn’t break my fist on his cement jaw, I will be.” Kay stabbed her seatbelt
a second time before fastening it properly. She cursed the tears welling.
Cursed the feel his warm body imprinted on her breasts. Cursed the memories
that sent her heart spinning.
dropped her .380 in her purse.
you take that in church this morning?”
God knows I carry. And the law gave me a permit. Glad I had it, because I
didn’t know what the hell was going down when you hit him. Who was the hunk?”
shit. The guy from college?”
same. He’s been watching me. I’m sure of it.”
should’ve shot him.” Holly punched the gas pedal, ignoring the speed bumps.
for having my back. And for getting the concealed carry license.”
never without protection. Or a gun.” Holly chuckled at her own joke. “Where
Connect with Jerrie:
Good morning, Jerrie. Thanks so much for being here today.
Morning, Barb!! Thank you for having me as your guest. The questions were great fun and caused me to think!
I'll be around off and on all day! Have to make a run to town and for me that's a road trip. :)
Good morning, Barb and Jerrie. I had to laugh because the Hershey kissie is so tiny. Love the excerpt and congratulations on your work. You have done great. Hugs.
Vicki! Thank you. I agree, we need a bag of kisses. :)
The questions were great fun!
Love the questions and answers! Great idea and of course the blurb was wonderful.
Hi Jerrie,
Welcome to PP. Great excerpt. And yes, I too agree with the Hershey Kiss choice.
I totally agree with the Hershey's Kisses, btw.
Hi Jerrie,
Welcome! Love the excerpt. Love Hershey kisses. Loved your fun interview.
P.L. It's good to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by.!
Thanks, Pamela. This is a fun group. I'm thrilled to be here.
Yea! Chocolate forever. :)
Sylvia, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt!
Barb! That's just another reason we get along so well. :)
Just one more reason to love you, my dear! :-)
Hi Jerrie!
Loved your lines:
Holly dropped her .380 in her purse.
“Did you take that in church this morning?”
“Yep. God knows I carry.
Nice writing girl! You deserve a tiara for that. Loved it.
Great to have you here with the Princesses.
Kathleen! You are too kind!! Thank you!
Hi Jerrie,
Thank you for stopping by!! Loved the excerpt! And I agree with the Hershey choice. When you finish with the bag, pass it my way, pretty please. :)
Hi Barb and Jerrie! Woow, finally made it over here. It's been one heck of a crazy day.
Love the Hershey's kisses, too (although I have been known to down a few skittles in my time). LOL
Great except, definitely drew me and now I want to read more. Thanks for spending the day here with the Princesses, Jerrie.
Karilyn and Kathy! Thank you. I thrilled you enjoyed the excerpt!
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