
October 15, 2013

Michelle Miles: Getting Crafty for Fall

Fall is my all-time favorite season. And it’s a very short season here in Texas. You blink, you miss it. But there’s something wonderful about the season. It’s when the weather starts to change. We get a little rain and cooler temps. Well, sometimes. It’s still been hot here and by hot I mean 80+ degrees. THIS is unacceptable fall weather in my opinion.

But when the calendar hits October 1, I’m all about getting the fall decorations out. I confess I started a little early this year. I couldn’t help it. I got these super cool blinking eyes that go in the window. See, I like “cute” and “fun” Halloween decorations. Not gory and gross. We’re the house that the little kids love to come to because it’s cute and fun. I put out the fog machine, too, to give it some ambiance. This year we’re trying to figure out how to get more fog.

Anyway… I have lots of fall décor. We buy new stuff every year to add to the collection. I LOVE decorating with these fall colors. This year, I decided I wasn’t going to carve any pumpkins – first time in about six years. Instead, I bought fake ones to decorate. And I had a great time doing it, too!

Check out this chevron pumpkin I made:

It wasn’t easy and it took forever but I love the end result. It came out really cute. I put it on a plant stand in the flower bed to elevate it and sort of give it center stage.
Because I had such wild success with that (grin) I decided to make another one. I got a white one and some stencils and black paint and made this one.

It was a little easier than the first one and took less time. It came out pretty cute too I think.

But the third one I made is probably my favorite. Check it out:

I used Mod Podge lightweight papers and Mod Podge Matte glue. It was SUPER easy and came out so cute! I had a blast making it. You can spell out whatever word you want – I choose spooky because I thought it was cute. But the kit comes with enough letters to spell out “Boo” or “Halloween” or even “Creepy”.

Note: This doesn’t do well in rain. I had to rescue it from the front yard. Someone suggested putting lacquer over it so I may do that so it CAN sit outside and not get messed up.

If you want a link to the project (and others), click here.
I used to do a ton of crafts long ago and then settled on cross-stitch but I found I really enjoy doing things like this again. I already have a Christmas project in mind. :)

Are you crafty?


  1. Michelle,
    I LOVE these. I have a pumpkin I'm going to decorate probably this weekend. But I think I'm going to hollow out the inside, drill holes in it and then put Christmas lights on the inside. I drill a word on the pumpkin. I'm also going to spike my hair and put on a green facial mask to answer the door. Happy Trick or Treating!

  2. These are gorgeous, Michelle! You've given me some great ideas! What a great alternative to cutting the pumpkin and having a rotting jack o'lantern only 2 days later! Happy Halloween!

    1. That's exactly why I didn't want to carve this year - the rotten pumpkin! :)

  3. Wow, Michelle, I never knew you were so crafty. I'll have to show these pictures to my sisters, maybe they will inspire her, too. Great job!

    1. It comes in spurts. LOL I have to be inspired and found these projects at Michael's. They were so fun. :)

  4. Hi, Michelle! I'm gonna have to hate you. Too cute, GF.

  5. I'm handy, but not crafty. I used to sew and knit and paint furniture and carve pumpkins. Now I just write books. Sigh.

    Love the SPOOKY pumpkin best. :) Well done, you!

    1. Thank you, Ms. Essex! I think that's my favorite too :)

  6. Awesome pumpkins. I have a board on Pinterest for idea, does that count? I haven't actually done more than decorate the house this year.

  7. Really? And she writes, too. How unfair, and how uber cute!

    1. LOL thanks Donnell! It was actually easy. Writing is hard. Haha

  8. Wonderful photos. Made me want to rush to the farm market and get more pumpkins.

  9. Looks like you have a new career! Those are adorable. You should contact Michaels or JoAnn Fabrics and offer your services!

    I love them!

  10. when my son was in preschool the parents used to come in and paint pumkins to raise money around halloween - they had some amazing pumpkins - I remember one cinderella scene - wow!

    if writing doesn't pan out you could start a fall side business- :)

  11. Hi, Melissa. THANK YOU! That's so sweet of you :) One of my Canadian friends told me she'd pay money for that. LOL

    Chris, you may be right. I might be able to have a seasonal side business! hehe

    Thanks for stopping by ladies.

  12. These are great, Michelle! It looks like you had a load of fun.

    When it comes to decor crafts, I like to make the seasonal wreaths and paint anything that doesn't move.

    Such Fun!
