
January 30, 2014

Welcome to Paradise by Chris Keniston

I love Paradise. Technically I love any beach with warm blue water, soft sand, and if you throw in a piña colada and a cabana boy- I’m in hog heaven.

Three years ago a dear friend invited me to join her on a vacation to Hawaii. One week in Kona. It didn’t seem right to travel that far and not go to Pearl Harbor, so I arrived a day early in Honolulu.

The first thing I remember is stepping outside the hotel door at oh dark thirty in the morning (all tours to Pearl start v-e-r-y early) and mumbling to the driver “what beautiful weather”. His response- “There’s a reason they call this Paradise.” Of course the writer in me immediately thought-- Gotta put that in a book somewhere.

Two days later, the captain of the dive boat my friend and I were on did pushups at the backend of the boat. Well of course my mind went straight to-- Oh, there has to be book in here somewhere.

With some help from my friend, Aloha Texas was born. The problem? All the fun places we went to didn’t turn up in the book. Which brings me to today’s release. Almost Paradise. Wholly set on the Big Island, I get to share fun places on the road to Hilo. Available today!

Where do you find your Paradise? The mountains, the beach, your backyard? Come share your favorite places!

You can find a daily count down of scene shots on my facebook page.

Find out more about Almost Paradise and the Aloha Series on Chris' website.


  1. Hi, Chris! I like the beach, walking in shallow water and picking up stuff. I don't like the big things. Now, I prefer the mountains in the summer time and the lack of bugs.

  2. I love the mountains too! - preferably with a view of an ocean or lake- lol- can't get away from my love of water! Rather odd for someone who likes to ride on or sit near but never goes 'in' - :)

  3. Hello Chris! Congratulations on your new release. We go to the beach once a year in the off-season. It's quiet and uncrowded and the sunrises are spectacular. Maybe I'll make it to Hawaii somday, too!

  4. Hi Chris, Congratulations on the new release. I love the Mountains, but I have to say I really enjoyed Hawaii. My husband not so much, but I would go back there in a heartbeat. Hope you sell a lot of books.

  5. Thanks for stopping by Molly and Sylvia. I am just a sucker for any beach - white sands, black sands, Palm trees, cliffs. I love my ocean views!

  6. Well, this is a quandary ….
    Mountains vs. beach. Please don’t make me choose.
    And then there is Alaska….

  7. Congrats Chris!!! I loved HI when we went. Here's to many sales!!!

  8. oh phyllis - that's why God made California - you can have both!! lol.

  9. Thanks Karilyn - I truly enjoy going to Hawaii - though I'm just as happy in the Carribean.

  10. You mean there are places other than Texas on this planet? Oh, yeah. I think I saw a few of them before tuition and housing bills. But it's been a while so I'm not sure I remember them clearly.

    Maybe when I get a few kids graduated from college I'll be able to see a few more of them and have a better idea of what my personal paradise might be.

    Really great cover!

  11. I like any place that doesn't involve work :D

  12. lol regina - yeah- I remember those days - but my tuition payents ended in May of this year- Yippee. And I'm rather fond of the cover myself! :)

    Michelle: You are so right. Sometimes that even includes writing !

  13. Congrats, Chris. Wow, 5 Books! Pretty amazing. I've read two and really enjoyed them. I've been to Hawaii and lived in Puerto Rico as a teenager. Hot weather is so not my paradise. Give me BVermont in the fall or Maine almost anytime of year. Scenery is spectacular! Good luck with this release.

  14. thanks marsha

    my grandmother always said God made the rainbow so everyone could pick their favorite color. :)

    Someone has to love the fall! I'll take your share of beach time!

    best of luck with your sales too!
