
February 11, 2014

Cupid Comes Calling: Book Babies and Birthdays

Today is a super special day. I mean, mega-important, stop-everything-you're-doing-and-savor kind of day. Because...
It's my hubster's birthday. He's turning the big 4-0.
But, like a very fine wine, he only gets better with age. I've been celebrating his birthday with him since he was 14... A lot of years ago, I know. And even though there are times we're more likely to growl at each other and cuddle, I do hope there's many more years to come.

It's kind of fitting that I'm celebrating his birthday AND my latest book release around the same time. Why? Well, I'm glad you asked. My latest book is
a Young Adult romance. (see the hubby's age when we met above) It's about a big-city girl moving to a small Texas town and falling for a pretty amazing cowboy.

NO, this is not auto-biographical. But it did make me nostalgic for those wrapped-up-in-each-other-because-the-rest-of-the-world-doesn't-exist passion. And, I admit, I did have a really wonderful time spinning a little of my teenage romance into Wyatt and Allie's love story.
I'm pleased to say, I think the book turned out pretty sweet! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, if you read it.

Here's a little Cowboys & Kisses teaser for you!

Before I sign off - I wanted to say a VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Plotting Princess Kathy Ivan! *Hugs* and *Kisses* Lady! Hope it's the best one yet!


  1. Hi Sasha,

    Congrats on the new book. Sounds like sweet. I love it when I can put a little of myself into the characters. Happy birthday to the hubby!

  2. Happy 40th to the hubby..we have our moments of growling makes the days never boring..there's never a wrong time to put yourself in your book..that just means we will feel the emotions even more..and love the parts of you we find in it

  3. Happy Birthday to your hubby. Congrats on your book.

  4. Happy Birthday to everyone!

    Awww, the angst and wonder of teen love .... ya gotta "love" it.

    Congratulations on the book!

  5. Congrats on your new book, it sounds like a sweet story. Happy Birthday to your husband.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  6. Happy birthday and happy release!

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  7. A YA series? Is there nothing you can't do? :)

    Congrats on the release. Happy b-days to hubby and Princess Kathy.

  8. Congrats in the new book and happy birthday to your hubby!!!

  9. Congrats on your new release and happy birthday to your hubby!! Here's to many sales!!!

  10. Hiya Sasha!
    Chiming in late to say howdy.
    Congratulations on the book. Lovely cover.

  11. Oh, it's nice you got to revisit those early years and put a bit of them into your book for posterity :)!

    Hope the Hubster had a good 4-0. I'm closer to the 5-0 now, but gotta say - at 40 I went from not wearing ANY glasses to needing bifocals LOL! Hope he doesn't fall apart >wink< LOL!!

  12. Oh, to relive those days. Although, I'm not sure that I would want to.
