
February 18, 2014

Something to Entertain You

Today is my day to blog here at the PP and I've been trying to come up with a topic. First I was going to tell you about my weekend, but it was really boring.

And then I was going to tell you about the checker we had at the grocery store this weekend who was UBER annoying and shouted out things about the items we bought. (We were not amused.)

Since I've had neck and shoulder pain for the last few days, I'm not feeling so very creative. So...

I finally settled on a topic. Today, I shall introduce to you My Drunk Kitchen. It's wildly inappropriate and hilarious and I literally laugh out loud.

What to learn how to make pancakes? She'll show you how!



  1. Oh my!! I love mimosa's but boy I bet she had a hangover. And the pancakes? I'm not eating those. This should have been called how not to make Pancakes. It was a good laugh.

  2. Sylvia, nothing she makes is edible. Not really. But watching her do it while drinking is hilarious.

  3. This is hilarious and I could never drink that much, but LOVE how she made the mimosas. lolol

  4. Thanks for the laugh! :) It would not be pretty if I drank that much! LOL!

  5. I'm a whole lot late on this, but that was sooo cute!
