Apparently, publishing books is like childbirth—you forget how
bad it really was until you’re smack in the middle of it again. I was all
geared up to send out pleas for friends to have me on their blogs when I
realized I have not budgeted much time for that. I just signed another two book deal and have a June deadline for the first book of that contract.
Plus, I am going to Malice Domestic in Bethesda the first week in May, to Marco Island for a week with my Bunko buddies the third week, and on a 7-day cruise with my family in June. There is no way I could fit in a grueling
blog tour like I did way back when.
Then I read an interesting blog. Although it’s about the top
self published authors who earn the most money, I found one very interesting
point among the ten points listed that I swear was a gift from heaven to me.
(Thank you, St. Jude.)
The Top Earners group
spent more time writing than they did marketing, and those in the group who
spent the least time marketing were making the most money. Out of all
respondents, those who spent the most time marketing
earned the least.
Are you kidding me? Go back and read it again. And
again if you’re like me and have a hard time believing it. Is the guy really
saying that if I spend more time writing and less time with blog tours,
signing, etc, I will be more successful?
Damn! I think that’s exactly what he’s saying. And
you know what? The more I think about it, the more I realize he’s right. What
good does it do for you to hook a reader with a cutesy blog or a FaceBook blitz
or even your fantastic writing style if there isn’t another book for him/her to
read afterwards. Let’s face it, in this day and age of self publishing there
are a lot of choices out there for readers. Are they going to remember your
name nine months later, or however long
it takes to get another book out there? Maybe—maybe not, but for now, I’m going
to give it a try.
I have committed to writing 2 books and a novella this year, and we're already past the first trimester!! Cozy readers would love a book every month from the authors—that’s
how crazy they are about the fast, entertaining genre. I need to quit worrying
so much about how my books will sell and just write new ones to go with the
ones out there. As a reader myself, if I find an author whose voice I love, I
immediately look to see what else they have that I can read.
So, don't look for me to be all over the blog nation in May. I have already agreed to several blogs where I know I get the most exposure. Of course, the Plotting Princess one is at the top of my list. After that I am going to put my
butt in the chair and write. For my last release I established a street team of readers who liked my stuff and had a FB release party for them only with lots of giveaways. Did this help sales? All I know is that I am still in the Amazon rankings with that book. Who knows if I would have been there anyway.
I’m curious what you all think about this. I know some people think that blog tours are still very effective. How
important do you think it is for an author to devote so much time to marketing
nowadays? And do you think it might be different for a debut than a
Liz writes G rated cozies as Liz Lipperman and grittier mysteries and romantic thrillers as Lizbeth Lipperman. Check out her website to find out more about her.
Liz writes G rated cozies as Liz Lipperman and grittier mysteries and romantic thrillers as Lizbeth Lipperman. Check out her website to find out more about her.
I don't know. Yesterday, I blogged and most of the posters were people I didn't know. Yeah!
I don't like to post every single day. That's overkill.
Vicki, I know that you are one of the ones who still get mileage from blogging. Maybe, it's the genre. Or maybe because you are so consistent with your postings and your marketing. I guess the moral here is to go with what works for you.
Hey Liz,
I blog some but there are only a couple of blogs were I feel that I get a ton of mileage out of it. But, that aside, you never know who is reading you. Commenting doesn't happen so much anymore, as we all know. But that doesn't mean that people aren't seeing you! So, I'll keep asking to be on blogs. Who knows when I'll pick up a new reader? :)
Enjoyed reading your post...and, best wishes with your new release!
You KNOW that this is music to my ears.
I have always thought that the best use of my time and expertise is putting good words not he page and taking the time to try and make them great.
Glad to hear someone else say it's the most important to thing to simply tend to the BOOK!
Cheers, EE
All I know is that whenever I blog or do marketing my sales pick up. But I would much rather be writing and since I'm trying for 5 books this year, then I have to watch my time.
Karilyn, that ,makes perfect sense to me. I don't read many blogs nowadays, but I do try to comment on the ones that I do.
Angela, how sweet of you to say that. Love comments like that. Knowing how good that made me feel, I need to do more like that when I comment.
Elizabeth, you and I have always shared that opinion. Unfortunately, we got into publishing just about the time publishers decided NOT to do any marketing for their authors. When blogging was new, I think it was a great way to reach people. Now, I think Facebook and Twitter have risen to that challenge and actually exceeded it. And butt in the chair will always bring results. The rest can be FI things.
It's good that you are showing results by blogging. As I mentioned in the post, I think there is still a benefit to romance authors with blogging.
% books this year?? Are you out of your ever-loving mind???
What a fun title Liz! I look forward to another one of your fun mysteries.
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