@sloanebcollins #birthingkittens #mommacat #ourthreeboys #amwriting
A little over a
year ago, a pregnant stray cat chose us to come live with. We had no idea how
far along she was, so we Googled cat births, since we didn’t know nothin’ ‘bout
birthin’ kittens (having previously only had two male cats). On that rainy Sunday afternoon, she took
turns sleeping on our laps as we researched.
Having never been around pregnant animals before, it was fascinating to
me to feel the babies moving in her belly as I petted her. We watched YouTube videos on how to care for
Momma, what to do when she goes in to labor, etc.
So my husband
went to bed (since he works nights), and I realized she was actually in labor
(thank heavens I’d watched those videos!).
My husband had already lashed two boxes together with a hole cut between
them so she had extra space to move around, and we’d padded it with an old
quilt and towels. Over the course of
three hours, she gave birth to three kittens, one per hour. I was petrified something would happen, but
she knew exactly what to do to care for them.
So by midnight that night, we had a momma and three babies. And so precious! Two of them were Tabbies, miniature
replicas of the mom, and one was a grey Tabby.
nd homes, and I thank God we couldn’t.
We named them all from the characters in my favorite Julia Quinn novel, “What Happens in London”: Sebastian (the grey one, but he’s nicknamed Scooter), Harry, and Oliver. Well, actually, we thought Oliver was a girl at first, so the name was Olivia, but the vet corrected us so he became Oliver. And that was after Googling “how to tell the sex of kittens”. I’m sure they were mortified, as I was, that we kept trying to figure out boy and girl details. LOL
It’s a year
later, and they are such blessings. Even
though we had to pack up all our tchotchkes, and even though I have to clean
two litter boxes every week, they are blessings. The two cats we had way back when were our children
(since we don’t have children), and it broke our hearts when we lost them. We had vowed never to have pets again because
it was so hard to lose them.
It’s been so much fun watching them grow, from their first minute to
now. I’d love to write childrens books
based on their antics someday. I usually write in my big recliner, and many times they've all piled on the chair with me. I've had to balance the laptop on the arm of the chair and twist myself to the side to type while one or more sleep on my lap. But it's well worth it to have them with me.
How about
you? What are your favorite pets? What kind of personalities do they have?
#birthingkittens #mommacat
Aww, cuter than a basket of puppies!
I have a dog..Cocker Spaniel named Steeler (from PGH and HUGE Steeler fan, LOL)who is a feisty little guy most of the time. He thinks my dining room is his personal toilet, though :/. At least it's tile and not carpet!
I also have a 16 year old Gray tabby cat named Smokey who is my babygirl! She is a scaredy cat hid in my room, but loves to cuddle with me at night. She is also fiercely protective of me and hates to see me upset. I tripped over another cat that briefly spent time here and she went after him and also my husband who was trying to help me! She swatted at him...it was almost funny!
The other cat that tripped me belongs to my son and his gf and he has the MOST personality of any animal I have ever met! He is Maine Coon named Tucker!
Hi, Sloane! You got to experience something most people don't nowadays-birth of pets. It's fascinating. When I grew up, aka the dark ages, our momma cat had 2 litters. We couldn't wait until the babies were old enough to pet (on their forehead and down their back), for their eyes to open, the first steps, and their squeaky meows. We also experience the heart break of a little being born dead.
I love kitties. Don't get me wrong, I love the poos, but there's something about my kitty. Maybe cause she has been a part of our family for 21 years. Every day is precious. And she truly is a sweet girl.
Hi, Sloane! Your baby kitties are so precious. The best cat I ever had was a tabby like yours. She was so sweet and she was a stray that picked our home to reside at. But I fell in love with her and she quickly moved from outside to inside. Alas, she died after only being with me for three years, but she was the sweetest animal I've ever had. Now I have weinee dogs and they're so much fun and they're precious. Love your Furr babies.
Oh, I love this! You're so lucky to have been "found!"
Hi Sloane - Just love the little babes.
As you know, I've been feeding of some feral cats with one of them "big Boy" I've been feeding and petting for nearly two years. Then a female tuxedo came around, very pregnant, so I HAD to feed her too. Then one of her babies, another tuxedo nearly matching her markings came around at maybe a month or two old.
Well, the babe - a boy - has adopted me. He stays around the house and jumps out of the bushes to greet me everyday for food and loving.
And to think, I've always been a dog person.
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