
June 18, 2015

@VickiBatman - The Top Ten, er, Two Top Tens!!! #movieaddict #MFRWorg #warfilms

The Top Ten, er...Two Top Tens!!!

On Facebook, someone is always posting something about movies or great lines from movies, and I often respond to these topics as I LOVE movies. So when someone mentioned their top ten movie list, I wondered what my top ten are.
I thought about what would make my list. I decided the Number One factor is if the movie is on TV, would I automatically tune in? Would I watch because I love it and every single time I see it, I get the same what a wonderful film feeling?
I found I have a Top Twenty or Two Top Tens. In no specific order:

Mr. Roberts – the making scotch scene is hilarious and William Powell’s last       
It’s a Wonderful Life
Stalag 17 – William Holden is brilliant.

Sixteen Candles
Breakfast Club
Philadelphia Story – “C K Dexter Haaavvveeen” scene and Cary Grant

White Christmas – great songs
Raiders of the Lost Ark –Did you see it FOUR times when it was released?

Bridget Jones’s Diary

Love Actually
His Girl Friday – the snappiest dialogue ever and irresistible Cary Grant

Man Who Shot Liberty Valance – there’s a real conundrum in this one

Rebecca –I often pontificate on this gothic mystery.
Rear Window – a peeping photographer sees a murder
The Quiet Man – John Wayne should have won an Oscar for this one.
The Thin Man

So what did I discover about my list?
6 Christmas-ish movies
4 War films
2 by director John Hughes
3 by director John Ford
2 by director Alfred Hitchcock
2 featuring Cary Grant
2 featuring William Powell – yup, big fan
Some are funny.
Some are mysterious.
Some are adventurous.

Please share your top three!

Vicki Batman left off Star Wars and James Bond; however, which to take out? Find her funny romantic comedy mystery, Temporarily Employed at: Amazon


  1. Dances With Wolves
    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
    Dirty Dancing
    Just 3 right? Because the original Footloose needs to be there, too, LOL!

  2. LOL, Cathy! We could be here all day. Isn't it great how different yours are from mine? Glad you are feeling better, girl.

  3. Paint Your Wagon
    The Phantom of the Opera
    Pride and Prejudice

    I'll watch any of these anytime! The Princess Bride came close but you asked for three... :)

  4. Hi, Jerrie! I love Pride and Prejudice (the line: You have bewitched me body and soul. My insides go gooey)and had to decide between that one and another. Sigh. I watched the Princess Bride the other day. Inconceivable!

  5. The Day the Earth Stood Still-the original
    Forbidden Planet
    the Mole People and Revenge of the Nerds tie for #3
    Yep, I love old sci-fi, and Revenge is my go to when I'm feeling picked on, put down or oppressed by life

  6. Hi, Sandy! A sci-fi fan-woohoo! I have to say the craziest movie that has me laughing my socks off is Tremors. Thanks for visiting with me today.

  7. I favorite 3 are Rear Window, Serenity (movie based on TV show Firefly) and anything done by Julia Roberts.

  8. Great lists. I love a lot of these favorites. My three are Guns of Navarone, Hunt for Red October and Despicable Me 2.

  9. Hi, Kayden! Well, you know Rear Window made my list. Jimmy Stewart, Grace Kelly, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. How Vertigo rates higher than this one is beyond me. Thanks for visiting.

    Hi, Stanalei! Your top three are quite varied. And I've watched the first two and really like. But haven't watched Despicable Me 2 or 1 for that matter. You know, my kiddoes are grown and Handsome and I haven't watched kid movies in a while. I know, kid movies aren't just for little kids. Thank you for sharing with me today.

  10. What a great list! I see a few of my favorites. Here's my top three:
    Valley Girl
    Love Actually
    Empire Records

    I do a weekly movie review for the local radio station and there's always so much to see and share! :)

  11. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
    Love Actually

    What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic, Vicki!

  12. Hi, Melissa! Isn't it funny Love Actually are on our lists (along with Kathy's) as this movie came out about ten years ago. I love how the stories are integrated and are short. Really, quite Brilliant!

    Hi, Kathy! Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is such a fun musical. Braveheart is so hard for me to watch. Good choices!

  13. Oh, fun, and I'm not even big on movies and could do several lists of ten.

    It's A Wonderful Life
    The Quiet Man

  14. Hi, Liz! That's hilarious about several lists of ten and not big on movies. Maybe, just maybe you are???

    Isn't The Quiet Man fabulous? A John Ford film, an homage to his native Ireland. And does it paint the country beautifully. Great choice and good with the other two. :)

  15. Pride & Prejudice, North To Alaska and Finding Nemo. :)

  16. Hi, Angelina! Finding Nemo is adorable. North to Alaska-John Wayne, Stewart Granger: very good choice. Thank you for visiting with me.

  17. Any Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Avengers or XMen. But I love Rear Window too! :) And Two Mules for Sister Sarah. Can you name the more recent movie (came out a couple of years ago I think) with the theme song to Two Mules for Sister Sarah? Extra bonus points. ha! :)

  18. Just 3!? Such a challenge, Vicki.

    The Princess Bride
    Say Anything
    Silver Lining

  19. I love all the old Doris Day movies...yeah I'm a sappy romantic comedy kind of girl. Loved How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days, It Can Happen to You (based on a real life story) It's Complicated, and Somethings Gotta Give.

    This past weekend we went to see I'll See You In My Dreams that was reviewed as a romantic comedy. Let me just say that if they thought that was a romantic comedy, they need some antidepressants. A move about growing old alone, that I cried twice in, is not funny. Not at all.

    Yes, I like some action adventure, mystery, but there's so much of that on TV these days that I need a break. I want to LAUGH. And no, drunken slapstick is not funny to me.

    About the darkest I like to get is an old Alfred Hitchcock movie.


  20. Hi, Karilyn! No, I don't know the song! See you picked up Star Wars for me. lol

    Hi, J M! I know it's a challenge. Here's one: can you figure out your top ten, er two top tens? What is it about The Princess Bride? Delightful! Funny! Outstanding Characters! And a great HEA!

    Hi, Sylvia! I'll admit: I'm over action/adventure too. Besides, is there one better than Indiana? no. Star Wars? No. I had no idea I'll See You was a romantic comedy??? Hmmm. My fav Doris movie is Move Over Darling with the incredibly handsome James Garner. Yep, he's in The Great Escape.

    Thanks, Ladies.

  21. Lorraine HendersonJune 20, 2015 at 11:41 AM

    I thought I could easily come up with my top three . . . BUT as I scrolled down through all the movies others posted, I suddenly found way more than THREE! I think one of your guidelines (or I read somewhere) was -- if it was on t.v. would I watch it again. In that case, "It's A Wonderful Life" (we watch it every year!) AND, "White Christmas" (also a yearly event!) ... Also realized when I read someone else mention, "The Way We Were" with Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford, that just seeing the title, brought back scenes from that movie -- the song, of the same name also is beautifully written.
    Alfred Hitchcock movies were also among my favorites -- especially Rear Window and Vertigo. And more recently, American Sniper -- not because of the war scenes, but because of what Veterans go through when they come home.

  22. Yay, I finally made it here! Loved reading the comments. My three favorites are Dr. Zhavago (sp?), Dirty Dancing, and Ghost--in addition to the classic old Christmas movies, of course.
