
January 31, 2017

February - The Month of Love

February is huge for me. I have four books coming out. Am I crazy? Yes, sometimes I honestly think I am. But I am so excited about this new series. 

When Krystal Shannon asked me for an original story to put in her autism box set, I thought I had no ideas. Then I remembered. Several years ago I wrote a short story called Return to Cupid, Texas and I decided to go back to that little town. Once I started writing, the ideas started pouring in and now this little seed has grown to six books. Return to Cupid, Texas will have new stories unfolding for the next three months. 

But wait...the month starts off with the next Kindle World I'm writing in. A science fiction adventure set in Magic, New Mexico - which is author S.E. Smith's world.

Touch of Deceit comes out February 2nd and there are no links because it's in a Kindle World and they drop everyone's books at the same time. If you enjoy witches and aliens, you'll like the story of Petuna and Jaqarg. A witch who wants revenge. An alien with a Secret. A magic mirror that reveals true love. Come join the adventure. 

Once Upon a Valentine Releases Valentine's Day

Only available for 30 days and then this 99 cent box set is gone. Help autism research and get your copy now. One hundred percent of earned royalties go directly to the American Society of Autism to help fund programs that support families with children on the spectrum. Help us educate and make a difference one dollar at a time.

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Can dancing naked around a Cupid statue bring you true love? 



Three stories of women who danced around the statue and the crisis, they face when confronted by the sheriff. Cupid Stupid is available at the Once Upon a Valentine Box Set. But the other two books Cupid Scores and Cupid Dances will be available February 21 and February 28. After that Cupid Help Me, Cupid’s Heart and Cupid’s Song will soon be available.

Yes, 2017 has gotten off to a bang. Since the Cupid books are written around a town superstition, tell me, do you have any superstitions you believe in? Would you dance naked for a chance at love?


  1. Wow, Sylvia, you have been busy! Four books in one month? hard to wrap my head around that one. But they all sound great, and I'll be adding them to my ever-growing stack of books to read. That's how I reward myself for finishing up my writing daily goals, I get to read somebody else's books.

    WIshing you wonderful sales on all y our releases!

  2. Thanks Kathy! Wishing you success as well. I forgot that I was on the PP blog as I uploaded this one day last week. This diet has made my brain foggy. Today is the last day. Happy writing!

  3. Thanks Kathy! Wishing you success as well. I forgot that I was on the PP blog as I uploaded this one day last week. This diet has made my brain foggy. Today is the last day. Happy writing!

  4. OMG. Sylvia, I am always amazed at your output. Congratulations, my friend,

  5. Thank you Vicki! I'm doing the Miracle Morning and let me just say, it's been tremendous. I'm taking a week off to catch up and edit and then I'm back at it February 13th. Starting with the men from Cupid, Texas.

  6. Congrats Sylvia! I'm impressed with the 4 books in a month. Wow!!! Here's to many sales!!
