
January 3, 2017

Michelle Miles: Bring it on, 2017

Another year as come and gone and most of us are happy 2016 is in the rearview mirror. The celebrity world lost a lot of great entertainers this year and, sucked. I’m still reeling after the deaths of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. It was like seeing my childhood flash before my eyes.

But I don’t want to dwell on that. I want to look forward instead of back and thinking about the future year ahead. We have just over 360 days to make it a great year.

I’m really not into making resolutions but I do like to set goals for the year. Last year my big goal was completing, editing and publishing IN THE TOWER OF THE WIZARD KING. I also wanted to re-release some of my titles that had reverted to me from a previous publisher. I’m happy to report I was able to release all five of them and relieved to be out from under that horrible publisher. You can catch all the REALM OF HONOR titles and WIZARD KING at your favorite retailer. *shameless plug*


This year, my big goals include finishing the second WIZARD KING book and moving forward with an urban fantasy series I’ve wanted to write for a really long time. Book one is complete but needs some revision. I have books 2-5 plotted and ready to go. I’m also starting to think about a companion novella for that series. Sort of a prequel for my newsletter subscribers only.

In my regular day-to-day life I really want to get my credit cards paid off. I know I won’t get to zero on all of them, but making a significant dent by December 31 is what I’d like to do. This is something I struggle with and I find I’m just not as strong as I should but when it comes to spending money. Because, let’s face it, doing nothing is pretty damn boring. I guess I’ll be boring in 2017.

I really want to be more organized this year and I’m trying to start off right. I’ve already got all my 2016 tax deductions together, totaled and ready to go. Now I’m just waiting on 1099s. I’ve also filed away all my 2016 bills, insurance policies, etc. and shredded everything I didn’t need. I have a mountain of “confetti” now ready to head off to the recycling plant.

What I’m Looking Forward To

Movies! Lots of cool movies are hitting the theaters this year—Blade Runner 2049, Star Wars VIII, Beauty and the Beast. Plus we have a new season of Outlander and Game of Thrones! I will be really sad when GoT ends so those writers better make it a good ending (unlike the terrible ending to LOST).

I’m also looking forward to Memorial Weekend. The husband and I reserved a cabin at a state park LAST MAY. Hey, we like to plan ahead. Plus that’s my birthday weekend. Not that I’m looking forward to turning another year older, but it IS better than the alternative.

I’ve entered a couple of contests, too. Results are pending so I’m waiting to see how my book does. I’m crossing my fingers for a final. Maybe two. ;)

So, what are your goals or resolutions for 2017? Is there anything you’d like to accomplish this year?


  1. I've decided this is the year of the abundant life lies in the details.

    I want to take care of all the little things that get over looked. I started on new year's day by cleaning the ceiling fan in my bedroom that has been driving me crazy and from the looks of the dust I removed - I haven't had that idea in a lot of years LOL.

    Since I've concluded the littlest project can bring me the most joy - this should be a great year :)

  2. Hi, Michelle!
    I have to say 2016 was a good year for me in many ways, and think 2017 will have a hard time topping it--unless I do get to retire as I want.

    Enjoy your trips and best wishes for your writing!

  3. Hi, Liese - Happy New Year! I hope 2017 is just as - or better - for you as 2016 was. :)

  4. My goal for this year is to finish my urban fantasy series. Yep, I want to write both books. Since I'm the slowest writer on the planet, this is a rather lofty goal, but I'm aiming to make it happen. And b/c I've now put it out there in cyberspace, I kinda have to do it, right? :)

    Here's to a wonderful year for all of us!!

  5. You can do it, Karilyn!! I know you can :)

  6. Im working on te 3 and another short. But we have huge challenges as handsome faces another surgery.

  7. Hi Michelle! Great post. My goal is to keep my writing life in balance -- write consistently and not binge write. Also, to not to write so late at night and to get healthier. Exercise, write with consistent joy, and be healthy -- that's my goal.
    May all of you lovely Princesses have a healthy happy new year!!
    Love you bunches!

  8. Vicki - Keeping you and Handsome in my thoughts and hoping for a speeding recovery for him. HUGS

    Hi Kat! If anyone can do that, I know you can. :) Happy 2017! HUGS!!
