
June 15, 2017

To Donut or Not? The Dilemma #noteatinghealthy #funfood

Did you know I’m a donut fiend? I LOVE them. A Lot. I especially love cake and buttermilk cake ones the best. I even like the small powdered sugared ones. (Big confession: Handsome and I pick these up as we head back from vacation. He has coffee. I have milk. LOL)

But I’ve learned over the years not to eat them too often because of additional poundage in areas I don’t need additional poundage.

As time has passed and my kiddoes have grown and moved into their own lives, there isn’t anything I really need. No jewelry. No fancy dinners.
But what I really enjoyed and cherished most of all: a walk on a Sunday morning to our local donut shop.
Some years, this is easier to do than others. Kiddoes have plans. Handsome and I might be traveling. Or we have icky weather. But when the beautiful collision of people and time happens, we chat and ramble our way to our favorite destination.

After our Mother’s Day trip this year and the kids had gone, I turned to Handsome and said, “This is what I want every year. For my birthday. For Valentine’s Day. For Mother’s Day. A walk on Sunday morning for donuts.”
He said, “Me, too.”
By the way, my heroine from "Raving Beauty," featured in Just You and Me boxed set, has a huge affinity for Dee's Delicious Donuts. hehehe






1 comment:

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