Opportunity Knocks at Marketing For Romance Writers Summer Camp. Open the door to: SEEK, TEACH, LEARN, SHARE, SUCCEED...and discover MFRW'S MOTTO of Achievement.
The Plotting Princesses welcomes Amber Kallyn who is blogging today about MFRW (Marketing for Romance Writers)
Writing tends to be a solitary endeavor. When I ‘Go to work’, it’s usually in a semi-quiet place, but alone.
Sure I have critique partners; we meet every two weeks. But that’s for after the writing is done.
Then, when the book is done and ready to be shown to readers, the author stops and looks around. The questions roll in.
How do I get the word out? Marketing, what’s that?
Because we tend to be shy, solitary creatures, putting ourselves out in the spotlight can be scary and hard (at least for me).
That’s why having support networks is so important. MFRW is there to answer any questions I have--even if I think I’m showing my blonde roots.