
May 31, 2012

Get to Know: Melissa Ohnoutka & Target of Betrayal

How did you get from your day job to writing romance?  My day job was raising two baby girls under the age of three at the time, so it was a ploy to save my sanity. J Still waiting to see if it worked!

What are your three favorite books of all time?  Rebecca By Daphne du Maurier, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

Morning, afternoon, or evening person? Afternoon

May 29, 2012

Kathy Ivan - Why Romantic Suspense?

Somebody asked me the other day why I write romantic suspense.  I thought about it for a few seconds, realizing there are really several reasons why I write it.  Since it's a genre near and dear to my heart, I thought I'd share a few of them with you today.

May 25, 2012

Remembering a Special Seabee

This Memorial Day, I would like to remember those of the "Greatest Generation" who served their country and are no longer with us as well as those currently preserving our freedom.
Thank you.

My father served in World War II as a Seabee in the South Pacific. After his passing, we came across a lot of the items he saved from that time. Here are some of the photos he took of his friends.
He and my mother visited us while we lived in Russia (where my novel Saving Hope is set)--the first and only time he traveled to Europe. My mother had been in Europe just following World War II in a special program to bring those from different nations together to assist the continent's reconstruction as well as develop an understanding of different cultures.  

Liese Sherwood-Fabre's Russian thriller Saving Hope, is now available through the Musa Publishing site:

Read more about Saving Hope by clicking here.

If you would like to be entered into a drawing for a FREE copy of Saving Hope, leave a comment here or join her newsletter through her Web site here.

To return to the Musa Blog Hop, click here.

May 24, 2012

True Romance

A few years ago I had a great writer's group. One Friday night we met in a funky little coffee shop near my home because it's just so hard for me to leave my baby behind. At the time, he was 1 and 1/2 and two to three hours without Mommy was his max. The coffee shop was five minutes from my house in the old downtown square. My group has like fifty members but usually only 15 to 20 people show. And now that I've scheduled it closer to home, even less people come because they prefer the meetings in the heart of Dallas. I figured the people that truly wanted to come would show, right?

May 22, 2012

Vicki Batman & the Guilty Girls Book Club

A Gift for Me! A Gift for You!

I love-love-love to read. With a book, I can go anywhere and have a best friend. It's the most excellent gift ever.

For a long time, I'd share books I'd read with girlfriends. They did the same with me. When one recommended Janet Evanovich and Diana Gabaldon, I rediscovered romance!

But I wanted more.

May 17, 2012


Princess Michelle's blog from Tuesday about 80s movies got me thinking about some of my favorite movies from that era as well as more recent ones. We all remember certain scenes, lines and quote from movies because they're memorable. They resonant with us for a reason, whether it's because they make us laugh, make us smile, even make us cry.

So in my own roundabout way of thinking, my mind turned to movies and songs about that special moment between the lead characters, the unique moment that culminates in a physical expression of feeling, a visual and tactile scene bringing to live the romanticism we as writers endeavor to achieve in our audiences. Nothing portrays that better than a kiss.

May 15, 2012

80s Movies I Love

By Michelle Miles

On a trip to my local library, I was thrilled and excited to discover they had movies and music available for check-out. I was in heaven! Who KNEW? And why didn’t *I* know? And what’s really awesome is – it’s FREE! So my son and I perused their selection and I found a movie I’d like. He found a movie he wanted.

It was Ghostbusters (1984). He asked if he could get it and I, of course, said SURE! I forgot how silly that movie is. It still makes me giggle. And there are tons of quotable lines throughout. Such as:

I looked into the trap, Ray.
Dogs and cats living together! Mass Hysteria!
Mother pussbucket.
Okay. So. She’s a dog.

May 11, 2012

Check Her Out, a Free Read by Vicki Batman

I'm happy to announce that has
 published my short story, "Check Her Out."

Go to:

Have a Happy Friday!

Vicki is hanging with the cat and diet Coke while finishing up another short story. Find her at: Or at:

May 10, 2012

Character Inspiration

Character inspiration is one of the things I love to do most when researching my stories.

Why, you ask? I'm a visual writer - I NEED to see my characters to really nail their movements, mannerisms, expressions - etc.And, being the movie-addict I am, I tend to draw most of my characters from actors and actresses. So I get to spend hours searching for my ideal character images. I know, it's hard work - but someone has to do it, right? I have a lovely Greek Gods chart with 'my' cast of characters photos taped over those printed on the poster. When I get stuck I can stare at my character and visualize them 'in motion'. I know it sounds weird, but it really works for me... most of the time.

But sometimes I get stuck. Ares is one of those times.

May 8, 2012

Get to Know: Carole Spradling & Shades of Gray

Hi, Carol and welcome to the Plotting Princesses.
Can't wait to hear all about you.

What are your two favorite books of all time?  Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss and Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
Carol Spradling
 Morning, afternoon, or evening person?   Morning, morning, morning.  I love being up when the house is quiet and everything outside is waking up.  This is a great time for reflection and inspiration for the rest of the day.

May 4, 2012

Congratulations! To Kelly Lee and Murdering Eve!

Way to go PP Kelly!

The Phoenix Desert Rose Chapter of RWA®
is proud to recognize excellence in romance fiction.
Congratulations to all Golden Quill winners and finalists.



2012 Golden Quill FINALISTS

Best First Book

Dangerous Race by Dee J. Adams
Murdering Eve by Kelly L Lee
Beautiful Disaster by Laura Spinella

May 3, 2012

Summer Camp Blog Tour presents Amber Kallyn

Opportunity Knocks at Marketing For Romance Writers Summer Camp. Open the door to: SEEK, TEACH, LEARN, SHARE, SUCCEED...and discover MFRW'S MOTTO of Achievement.
The Plotting Princesses welcomes Amber Kallyn who is blogging today about MFRW (Marketing for Romance Writers)

           Writing tends to be a solitary endeavor. When I ‘Go to work’, it’s usually in a semi-quiet place, but alone.
            Sure I have critique partners; we meet every two weeks. But that’s for after the writing is done.
            Then, when the book is done and ready to be shown to readers, the author stops and looks around. The questions roll in.
            How do I get the word out? Marketing, what’s that?
            Because we tend to be shy, solitary creatures, putting ourselves out in the spotlight can be scary and hard (at least for me).
            That’s why having support networks is so important. MFRW is there to answer any questions I have--even if I think I’m showing my blonde roots.