Pssst! I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
Are you ready? It's a big one.
Writers—are also—readers!
Long before we put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, we read. And read. And read. At some point along the way, I'm sure most of us said . . . It can't be that hard, I think I'll write a book. (Or we read a book that didn't end the way we felt it should and decided we could do it better!)
No, this blog post isn't about writing. Today it's all about reading.
I've been trying to do more reading recently. For one thing, it stimulates the creative process. Plus there are just so many doggone good books out there right now; it's like a smorgasbord of reader goodness. Nirvana of the written word.
So I thought I'd tell you, my special Plotting Princesses blog aficionados what I've been reading recently.
GHOST STORY by JIM BUTCHER. I've read every single book in the Dresden Files series, including the anthologies. The stories center about a wizard in Chicago who helps solve crimes. They are urban fantasy at its best and these stories just keep getting better and better. If you haven't tried reading about Harry Dresden yet, I highly recommend this series.
MAGICAL LOVER by KARILYN BENTLEY. This is a terrific story by a wonderfully talented writer (she guest blogged here at Plotting Princesses just last month). The story is about a dragon shifter and the world-building and romance in this fantasy is wonderfully lyrical and was a joy to read.
TEMPT ME IF YOU CAN by JANET CHAPMAN. I love all Janet Chapman's Highlander time travel books so I thought I'd give this one a try. This is a contemporary romance by this well-known author, the second in a trilogy (although I didn’t realize that at the time). The story centers about a man who gets an anonymous letter informing him he has a teenage son he never knew about. He tracks down the woman who raised him and all sorts of complications ensue. Delightful and filled with just the right amount of laughter and tears. I went back and got the first in the series to read, too.
CANYONS IN THE NIGHT by JAYNE CASTLE. This was book three of the Looking Glass Trilogy and it didn't disappoint. Set on the fictional planet of Harmony (which if you’re a fan of Jayne Castle you are all too familiar with) this takes us in a new direction which I hope she continues for future books. The paranormal and romantic aspects of this book were all you would except of a Jayne Castle book.
SWEET AS SIN by INEZ KELLEY. This is a contemporary romance by a fellow Carina Press author. I picked this one up because it was getting rave reviews and I'd read other stuff by Inez and had enjoyed them. Definitely have a box of tissues handy when you read this one. My heart broke for the characters as painful secrets from the hero's past come back to haunt him in this wonderful story. Definitely a book you won't be able to put down easily.
These are just a few of the books I've been reading recently. So tell me, what have YOU been reading?
NOTE: Please do not be mean or post negative or hurtful reviews here. This site/blog is not intended for reviews. I just want to know what you've read recently that you liked. (I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting authors I may not have heard about and I'm sure my fellow blog followers want to know, too.)
I alternate the classics with contemporary. I love digging back into books like Fahrenheit 451, To Kill a Mockingbird, Vanity Fair and The Great Gatsby...reminds you great writers did it! and since I don't have to write a paper on them like I did on college, the pressure is off!
For now, I just finished The Weird Sisters I forget the author's name (amazing book) and am about to start the JR Ward series...
Hi, Kathy. I'm reading Pope Joan for book club and taking it to Jury Duty!!! And just finished one by Fern Michaels.
I used to be so picky, but learned to read just about anything, except weird vampire stuff. Sorry, vampire writers. LOL
I read a wide range of things.
Jim Butcher is one of my favorite authors. I've got all his books except the latest and I'll be adding that one soon. (Got my husband hooked on them as well)
I have just finished Winter Sea by Susannah Kearsley and I love-love-love her style. She mixes the past and the present seamlesslessly and her love stories are entrancing.
Right now I'm reading Becoming Nadia by Cyrus Keith. A thought-provoking read, it balances the heroine's inner search for purpose with nonstop action that will knock your socks off.
I've just finished Laid Out and Candle Lit, a debut novel by Ann Everett. A murder mystery unfolds in a small town in Texas. The heroine is the prime suspect. Only trouble is, the Texas Ranger sent to solve the case falls in love with her.
Just finished The Ninth Step by Barbara Taylor Sissel. Its a lovely book about the language of flowers and the journey of forgiveness!!! LOVED it!!!
I forgot to add: IN BED WITH THE HIGHLANDER by MAYA BANKS. This is a great historical that reminded me on the style of Julie Garwood's historicals and Johanna Lindsey. Very well done and fun read, too.
Keep all your posts coming, I'm seeing some good recommendations here.
OOh, a new Jayne Castle -- I'm off to the book store to pick it up. I just finished reading a couple of the others - -borrowed from the library.
My TBR pile is usually taller than I am! That said, rather than grabbing something off the top of it, I just picked up the latest JD Robb - NEW YORK TO DALLAS - and will be diving into that first!!
I read a Dick Francis book over the weekend. I finished The Help last week and now I'm working on Pope Joan. My TBR pile is three rows deep and about three feet high (that's the one my husband knows about. I have books stuck everywhere) and I'm trying to whittle it done. I love Dick Francis books! I could consume them like peanuts if I didn't control myself! My teacher sorority chapter is going to read The Glass Castle and have a group discussion about it in Jan.
I just finished "Michael Vey" and loved it. Also Claire Cook's "Life's A Beach" which was a fun read. Next on my TBR list is Debbie Macomber's last book in her Cedar Cove series.
I love character driven books - so I rarely read plot driven action packed stories. And I avoid things that make me anxious or nervous so suspense is usually not on my top ten tbr list. lol.
I love the Julia Spencer Fleming mysteries about a former army helicopter pilot, female, turned protestant minister and a small town sherrif
I enjoy authors who write strong heros - Joann Ross has returned to her romantic fiction roots and I just finished and enjoyed her latest One Summer
I love the first two Emily March books - Since I really don't like books with teenagers or mid life /empty nest issues the third book didn't float my boat - but the first two were fantabulous for folks who like romantic fiction -
I'm currently reading an older straight romance by Jane Chapman The Man Must Marry and so far I am REALLY enjoying it - I LOVE books with strong heros (did I say that already??? LOL)
I too am looking forward to finding some new can't wait to read authors.
I think my Kindle is going to get a workout loading all these new recommendations on it in the next couple of days. What great stories these sound like.
Keep 'em coming. I love to discover new-to-me authors and what better way than word of mouth from readers who've read and loved their stories.
Well, I've been pretty busy lately and am envious of you all making time to read. However I guess I'm in a self-help mood at the moment. The two books I just ordered are: Buckets of Money: How to Retire in Comfort and Safety (Oh man do I want to retire)
20 Master Plots: And How to Build Them (I think I picked up this one from one of our previous PP blogs. Can't wait to read it.)
Love this topic. It's always a great way to pick up titles and/or authors to read. :)
I just finished LOST by Vivi Anna, am in the middle of JENNIFER'S GARDEN by Dianne Venetta, and next on my list is new author Elizabeth Ann West and her book CANCELLED.
I just finished 'Dragonfly in Amber' by Diana Gabaldon. It was a great read, but really long, over 900 pages. But her characters make it worth the read.
Now, I'm reading 'Enemy of the King' by Beth Trissel. I won this e-book in a contest years ago, but didn't get around to reading it until now, because I finally broke down and bought a Nook. Can't stand reading books on my PC. This story is fantastic! It's a Revolutionary War romance, fast paced and the characters are wonderfully drawn. It's not as long by half as 'Dragofly', but nontheless, I'm flying through 'Enemy'. It's so hard to put down!
One of my favorites: Olivia and Jai by Rebecca Ryman.
I have eclectic tastes and read to suit my mood. I just finished Jacquie Rogers wonderful MUCH ADO ABOUT MARSHALS. I also read a soon-to-be released book by Suzanne Adair--a great historical set in the American Revolution. I also read ALWAYS A BAKER, NEVER A BRIDE by Sandra D. Bricker. All three are great reads.
I'm a huge fan of Linda Howard, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Rachel Gibson, Judith McNaught, Karen Rose, Maggie Shayne (are you getting the idea of diversity here?). I do like a tortured hero who needs saving.
You always have great Posts! Thank you!
I've just finished "Could It Be Magic?" by Melanie Rose. Chicklit with a body swap plot. Charming.
"Unspoken" by Sam Hayes. Great psychological thriller.
Currently reading "A Little Bit Marvelous" by Dawn French. Cute and quirky.
I just finished Who Do, Voo Doo? a new cozy series coming in November by Rochelle Staab. It was really good.
My TBR pile is way higher than I'd like, and I really do need to dig into it. I love all the tips on good books, though.
Okay, I'm a day late, but I wanted to pop on and talk about books I've been reading.
Jayne Castle's new book is one I've been saving for after I turned in my next book! So, now I get to read it!!
I finished Jo Davis' I Spy A Dark Obsession loved it! She does erotica so well.
Also, just finished Susan Sey's Money Shot. She has a great romantic suspense/contemporary suspense voice.
And I'm also readin Steve Berry's newest, The Jefferson Key. Love me some Steve Berry. He's like my sorbet between romances.
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