I want to enter a
short story in my publisher’s call for submissions for a Christmas anthology,
and even though that desire is there, I was struggling to find an idea, one
that could develop into a ten thousand word story, and that I could write
So I went to my favorite
place for inspiration, Pinterest, and looked through the board (okay, three
boards) that I have for Christmas. And
what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a picture I didn’t remember
pinning. All of a sudden I had a male character,
his occupation, and why he was out in a snowy forest with his dog. A few clicks later, and I had a female
character that will bring him no end of trouble and exasperation. Et voilĂ , a
story is born!
Authors find
inspiration in so many places. Just a
kernel can spark an idea, which can set off firecrackers in our brains.