Next week I’ll be
14 years older than my mother. Somehow, she’s perpetually 36. (Okay, who’s
doing the math?) Yes, I have a big
birthday coming up. One that has me
going “how the heck did this happen?”

So I've been
doing some musing on where I’m at in my life, things I've worked for, things
I've accomplished, and what I still want to do someday. Which has led to my
bucket list. It’s changed over the
years, but some things have stayed the same, and I can finally check them off.
We went to Hawaii
a couple of years ago, and I've been to Ireland, so check check. I still want to
go to Scotland.

This past
November, my first Contemporary Romance was published. That was #1 on the list. Now I’m hard at work on the next ones. The top item on my list now is to go to
France. My French Kiss Connection series is set in
France, so I reeeeallly want
to go. (Would make a great birthday
present, don’t you think? Let’s hope
Monsieur Collins has picked up on all the hints. LOL)
I think most of
my list now is comprised of traveling, and what I want to accomplish as an
author. And I want us to move to Maine.
(Still trying to convince the Monsieur on that one.)
What’s on your
bucket list? What’s the biggest thing
you've accomplished on your list, or what are you gearing up for?
Hi, Sloane! I love your bucket list. I'm doing one for my big birthday--a Rhine River cruise. I've wanted to go for years. I want to go to the Galapagos and Machu Pichu. There's lots of places I want to revisit, too.
I will no longer be having birthdays, just fun days!
Hi, Vicki! Your cruise sounds like a fabulous big birthday gift. A friend of mine went to the Galapagos and loved it. Another one hiked Machu Pichu. More courage than I have.
Good for you!
Hi Sloane! At this point my bucket list consists of getting to use the restroom without hearing "GRANDMA!" like the house is on fire! Or getting a full night sleep!
I REALLY want to go to England, Ireland and Scotland some day. Doesn't seem as if that is going to happen without a big lottery win, though!
The one thing I know I can accomplish, though is finishing one of my 3 WIP's and getting published!
Sounds like your first 50 have been great! Here's to the next 50!
Thanks, Cathy! So glad you stopped by the Princesses to visit with us.
I laughed out loud at your wish to just use the bathroom in peace!
I, too, want to go to England and Scotland, and would love to go back to Ireland. I spent my 44th birthday at the Cliffs of Moher - it was a fantastic day.
Keep going on your WIP's and you'll get here. I wish you all the best on your writing!
Hi Sloane,
My bucket list consists of building a house and moving to Colorado to permanently retire there. Plus I want to buy an RV and travel around the country, but most of all I want to go to Alaska, Ireland, England and Italy. As for writing...I want to have a huge sale month. It's on my bucket list.
Hi, Sylvia. Ooh! I forgot about Alaska - going on the list.
I'd love to travel around the country with my husband...and the 4 kitties.
Good luck with your sales! And the Colorado house.
I'm now married to a man older than my father. We lost my dad at 49 yrs - next week my husband will 50!!! How does the time fly like that - I told my husband he want to visit Scotland, Hawaii and a road trip hitting all 50 states. He says no he is fine staying home...I'm working on him. Happy Birthday!
I want to visit Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. And Australia. I'm and arm chair traveler, rarely leaving the comfort of my home except through the pages of a book.
Fifty is a big milestone, but it only means that you're halfway. Let's make the second half the best yet.
Happy almost birthday - I love birthdays with "0" in them because it's always an excuse for a really big party or a really long trip ! lol.
I have a bucket list that's insanely long and all travel related! I pretty much want to cross the globe- But the one thing few people probably have on their list - I'd like to see the real Timbuktu :)
happy birthday! I've hit Ireland too, and Scotland is on my another trip to Sweden. There's got to be a Viking story in there somewhere. ;)
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