Welcome to Diana, a good friend of the PP!
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Diana Cosby |
Diana Cosby is an international bestselling author of Scottish medieval romantic suspense. After retiring as a Navy Chief, AGC(AW), Diana dove into her passion – writing romance novels. She is currently working on the sixth book in the award-winning MacGruder brother’s series, and is preparing for the release of her story in the anthology, “Born To Bite,” with Hannah Howell and Erica Ridley.
How did you get from your day job to writing romance? Throughout my life I’ve been an avid reader. While serving in the Navy, a meteorologist/oceanographer, AGC(AW), I was determined that after I retired I wanted to be an author. Once I began writing, I loved it!
What are your three favorite books of all time? Wow, what a super tough question! There are so many authors that I love. If I had to choose:
.Nora Roberts – Born In Ice
.Julie Garwood – The Secret
.Susan Elizabeth Phillips – Dream A Little Dream, Kiss An Angel
.Walter Farley – The Black Stallion . . . a book I read numerous times as a child, and one of the reasons I wanted to write.
Morning, afternoon, or evening person? Yes!
Music--with or without? What kind? I definitely write with music. Normally, movie soundtracks with a Celtic undertone, or an intense moody soundtrack. Lord Of The Rings. Last Of the Mohicans. Braveheart. Numerous others.
First or third POV? Third.
How's tricks? Do you juggle multiple projects? I prefer to write one novel at a time. If I have a story idea, I’ll jot it down and make a file, but I focus on my current story until I’m done.

What's harder: beginning, middle, or the end? The beginning in that, it sets the stage and tone and the story promise to the reader for the entire book.
Revisions: Love 'em or hate 'em? Love them. It’s the time to take the clay of words and create story.
How did you come up with the title Highland Vampire, your story in the anthology Born To Bite? It was my working title, and I was surprised and pleased that Highland Vampire was chosen to be the title of my story in the Born To Bite anthology.
Best advice anybody ever gave you? “Give yourself permission to write crap. You can edit crap, but you can’t edit a blank page.” – Nora Roberts.
Fill in this blank: My ideal fictional hero would think me gorgeous no matter
what predicament I’ve gotten us into, and he would have an enormous sense of humor and patience. And, of course be an amazing romantic as well a good cook!
What's your favorite dessert? Lemon pecan pound cake.
Do you write at home or someplace else? I write at home, on the beach, outside on the deck, and at times I take a notepad to a restaurant and write while I eat.
What's your favorite type of hero/heroine and why? I love a feisty heroine who dares to follow her heart regardless the challenges. And, a sense of humor.
Excerpt: From the Born To Bite anthology-HIGHLAND VAMPIRE
As King of the Highland Coven, vampire Aedan MacGregor knows that falling for the fey Rowan Campbell could destroy her. But one taste of her healing blood and he craves her like no other. Dare claim her as his own, knowing he might lose her forever?
As King of the Highland Coven, vampire Aedan MacGregor knows that falling for the fey Rowan Campbell could destroy her. But one taste of her healing blood and he craves her like no other. Dare claim her as his own, knowing he might lose her forever?
Find Diana's books at:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Born-Bite-Hannah-Howell/dp/0758273436/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1338054182&sr=8-3
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/born-to-bite-hannah-howell/1108799474?ean=9780758273437
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/born-to-bite-hannah-howell/1108799474?ean=9780758273437
Website: http://www.dianacosby.com/index.html
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Diana-Cosby-Romance-Author/150109024636
Twitter: @DianaCosby
Welcome Diana,
Good to see you again. Love your writing advice.
Hi, Diana! So happy you can visit the PP today. You have had such great success with your writing. And are so smart.
Sounds like an interesting twist on vampires! Looking forward to reading it!
What an interesting background and intriguing story line for a series. Good luck with your books.
Hi Diana,
Thanks for the great interview. Your book sounds fascinating. And I love the advice Nora Roberts gave you.
Hiya Diana!
It's wonderful to see you here. I loved what you said about edits/revisions, "take the clay of words and create story."
Brilliant attitude. As always you find the positive side of things.
Hugs, Miss you!
Hi Diana,
Great advice from Nora. I think I was in that same session at national a few years ago. I always thought the middle was the hardest part of the book, but you made me think. The beginning is essential and I stress and stress on it. Definitely spend more time there.
Welcome to PP, Diana. We miss you in DARA. I have read some of your stuff and it rocks.
Diana, Wonderful interview and great advice.
Sylvia said: Welcome Diana, Good to see you again. Love your writing advice.
~Hi Sylvia, thank you so much for stopping in. If anything helps, that’s what it’s all about. Hope things are going great with you. Take care and enjoy your day!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
VICKI BATMAN, said: Hi, Diana! So happy you can visit the PP today. You have had such great success with your writing. And are so smart.
~*Hugs* Hi Vicki, always fabulous to see you. My sincere pleasure to visit the Plotting Princesses today. Y’all rock! I’ve been blessed so many times over with my writing, and my readers are amazing. I’m thankful for each and every day. Take care, and I know I’m cheering you on and wish you the best!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Liese said: Sounds like an interesting twist on vampires! Looking forward to reading it!
~Hi Liese, thank you for stopping by and saying hi. I had a blast writing my story in Born To Bite. I’d never read a story with a vampire and fairy, so I thought it’d be a neat pairing. I hope you enjoy. Take care, and enjoy your day!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Patricia said: What an interesting background and intriguing story line for a series. Good luck with your books.
~Hi Patricia, I appreciate your stopping by. I’ve been blessed by my travel. Having lived in and visited so many countries and states has allowed me to dig from amazing experiences for my stories. Thank you for the good wishes, and I wish you the best as well!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Willa Blair said: Hi Diana,
~Hi Willa, thank you so much for stopping in today.
Thanks for the great interview.
~The thanks go to the wonderful women at the Plotting Princesses who made the interview fun, and for having me here today. :)
Your book sounds fascinating.
~I had a blast writing my story in the anthology Born To Bite, and I sincerely hope you enjoy.
And I love the advice Nora Roberts gave you.
~Nora is amazing, and a humble and inspiring person. And, a fabulous story teller! Have a super day, and I wish you the best!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Kathleen Baldwin said: Hiya Diana!
~*Hugs* Hey, Kathleen. Fabulous to see you!
It's wonderful to see you here.
~It’s my honor to be invited to the Plotting Princesses blog. I remember when the creating of the blog was being discussed. :)
I loved what you said about edits/revisions, "take the clay of words and create story."
~It’s so true. A rough draft is called ‘rough’ for a good reason.
Brilliant attitude. As always you find the positive side of things.
~I believe that we see what we look for. To me, each day we’re blessed with incredible things, you only have to look. I am thankful each and every day. I feel truly blessed.
Hugs, Miss you!
~Miss you as well! *Hugs* Take care, I wish you the best, and please keep in touch. *Hugs*
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Pamela Stone said: Hi Diana,
~Hi Pamela, thank you so much for stopping by and saying hi. :)
Great advice from Nora.
~I agree. When I’m struggling to write, which I think is daily *G*, I remember that.
I think I was in that same session at national a few years ago. I always thought the middle was the hardest part of the book, but you made me think. The beginning is essential and I stress and stress on it. Definitely spend more time there.
~A wise friend of mine, Carolyn Greene, explained that the middle of the book is a big plot event. Think about it, in the middle of books and movies you love, something ‘big’ happens. It makes sense, plus ensures your middle continues the fast pace. But the beginning, it ‘must’ be solid to carry the story with a solid kick. Take care, and I wish you the best!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Liz Lipperman said: Welcome to PP, Diana.
~Hey, Liz, thank you so much. It’s my sincere pleasure to be at Plotting Princesses today. :)
We miss you in DARA.
~I miss y’all so much as well! Texas will always have a special place in my heart.
I have read some of your stuff and it rocks.
~Thank you so much for your kind comment. I love writing my stories, and that others enjoy them is humbling. Take care, and I wish you the best!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
ellaquinnauthor said: Diana, Wonderful interview and great advice.
~Hi Ella, thank you so much for stopping by. If anything helped, that’s what it’s all about. Hope all is going great on your end. Take care, enjoy your day, and I wish you the best!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Hi, Diana! So happy to see you here at the Plotting Princesses! I still remember the fun we had at Habitat for Humanity! Have a wonderful fall!
I love this author interview series, "Under the Microscope". You ask the best questions.
Diana, I loved your Nora Roberts quote. Inspiring.
Best of everything on your new book.
Kristi Rhodes
Alisha said: Hi, Diana! So happy to see you here at the Plotting Princesses!
~Hi Alisha, fabulous to see you as well. ^5 Hope all is going super on your end.
I still remember the fun we had at Habitat for Humanity!
~HFH is such an amazing cause, and we DID have a blast with the builds. I still partner with the Sherman Habitat For Humanity, and which will always be near and dear to my heart.
Have a wonderful fall!
~You as well. Take care and know I wish you the very best! *Hugs*
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Kristi Rhodes said: I love this author interview series, "Under the Microscope". You ask the best questions.
~Hi Kristi, thank you for stopping by, and I agree, fabulous questions.
Diana, I loved your Nora Roberts quote. Inspiring.
~Nora is an amazing person on so many level. She’s truly a down-to-earth nice person and a true inspiration.
Best of everything on your new book.
~Thank you so much. Enjoy your day, and I wish you the very best!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN Ret.
Diana, I was just thinking about Nora Roberts' quote today, mostly because I found myself staring at a blank page. LOL
Love your covers. They're gorgeous!
Hi Diana, and a big welcome to the Plotting Princesses.
You've combined two of the things I love to read, Highlanders and Vampires! What could be better?
Love your other books and I'm sure this one will be just as terrific.
As the other princesses have already said, and I'll add my 2 cents, you are missed at the DARA meetings. :-)
Hi Diana,
So happy to see you again! I miss seeing you at DARA! I'm looking forward to reading your anthology. Sounds great!
Welcome, Diana!
So lovely to see you here, and be able to soak up all your positive energy and good writing advice.
I'm intrigued that your current story has a paranormal element that we don't normally see in your MacGruder stories. Can you tell us something about how you made the switch to paranormal, and what it was like writing a vampire and a fairy for the first time, and if we'll be seeing any more paranormal stories from you in the future?
Always a pleasure to 'see' you!
Sheila Seabrook said: Diana, I was just thinking about Nora Roberts' quote today, mostly because I found myself staring at a blank page. LOL
-Good morning, Sheila. Oh yeah, I hear you. Nora’s quote is a base of inspiration for my writing day. *G*
Love your covers. They're gorgeous!
~Thank you so much. I’m blessed by amazing covers. I thank the cover designers and everyone involved at Kensington. Hope you have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Kathy Ivan said: Hi Diana, and a big welcome to the Plotting Princesses.
~Hi Kathy, thank you so much. It’s my sincere pleasure to be here.
You've combined two of the things I love to read, Highlanders and Vampires! What could be better?
~*G* My thoughts exactly. I’m a huge fan of both Highlanders and Vampires myself, and I was honored to be asked to write in the anthology.
Love your other books and I'm sure this one will be just as terrific.
~ I had a blast writing my story in the Born To Bite anthology, and I sincerely hope you enjoy.
As the other princesses have already said, and I'll add my 2 cents, you are missed at the DARA meetings. :-)
~*Hugs* I miss y’all so much. DARA is amazing! Take care, enjoy your Labor Day Weekend, and I wish you the best!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Karilyn Bentley said: Hi Diana, So happy to see you again!
~Hi Karilyn, wonderful to see you as well. I appreciate your stopping by.
I miss seeing you at DARA!
~*Hugs* I miss ya’ll at DARA as well.
I'm looking forward to reading your anthology. Sounds great!
~I was honored and humbled to be asked to write in the anthology with Hannah Howell and Erica Ridley. Definitely a life dream come true. I sincerely hope you enjoy.
~*Hugs* Take care and have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Elizabeth Essex said: Welcome, Diana!
~*Hugs* Hey, so wonderful to see you. And . . . holy cow, you’re so kicking butt. I’m mega proud of you!!!
So lovely to see you here, and be able to soak up all your positive energy and good writing advice.
~I assure you, the feeling is mutual. ^5
I'm intrigued that your current story has a paranormal element that we don't normally see in your MacGruder stories. Can you tell us something about how you made the switch to paranormal,
~I love medieval Highland Vampire stories, and I was humbled and honored that my editor asked me to write my story in the Born To Bite anthology.
What it was like writing a vampire and a fairy for the first time, and if we'll be seeing any more paranormal stories from you in the future?
~ I loved writing with expanded paranormal elements. A lot of fun. A loaded question. *G* I have a trilogy for the children in mind with a rough plot. We’ll see how that goes. Me, I’m excited and hope to turn my dream into a trilogy. Keep your fingers crossed!
Always a pleasure to 'see' you!
~Always wonderful to see you as well. Know I’m cheering for your continued success, and I’m so proud of you! *Hugs*
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
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