The Plotting Princesses is a group of many fantastic Texan authors of many genres. What most of our readers don't know is how wonderful it is to belong to this group of writers. I'm so thankful for the sisterhood we all have, not only in plotting out books and talking shop but in supporting one another throughout life.

I just wanted to take the time to stop and thank all of you. I feel so, so lucky and have enjoyed reading all your books and getting to know you!

If you're a writer and you aren't in a writer's group, I highly recommend you find one where you can talk about characters, plot, writing methods, marketing and share your hopes and dreams! Long live the Plotting Princesses! Now, if you have any questions about writing, ask away! We love to talk to aspiring writers! Looking forward to seeing the princesses this weekend at our fun retreat! ~ Alisha Paige
Hi, Alisha! and thank you for being a part of the sisterhood. You've offered me so much good advice over the years! And been there when I needed to grumble!! And let me blog and do radio chats!!!
I'm eternally grateful.
So asking a question here: what do you think is the best thing a writer can do for their work?
And we thank you for being our sister!
My question: How to find good beta readers?
Can't wait to see you at the retreat!
Amen to that, Alisha. Every writer needs someone who understands her. I remember once that my sister was a little perplexed because I always talked about my plots with her daughter, a creative writing teacher.So, I rattled off my latest plot to her. She said, "Oh," and walked away.LOL You need people who get that you hear voices in your head.
To answer Phyllis's question --I looked for writers I trusted who wrote similar to me.
Hi, Vicki!! I love the sisterhood we all enjoy! You have made the radio show super fun! I'm so grateful for our lovely PP! I think the best thing a writer can do for their work is keep their characters alive! Revisit your old characters again and again! You can revisit them by writing a sequel or just by chatting with readers. Just like an old, cherished friend, revisiting a character can stir up all those great memories of that first novel and remind us why we started writing in the first place! Old characters can introduce us to new characters to be written about in new books! Let your imagination run wild, pull up a chair and ask your favorite characters from the past what they have been up to! Readers love to reconnect to them and that's how our books are tied together. I think of sitting down in a circle and having coffee with my characters. If you readers can't wait to revisit your characters again, you can bet they will want to read more and more of your books! For example, so many of your characters are laugh out loud funny! If I revisit your characters, I know I'm in for a good time! And when another book comes out, I want to read it so I can laugh! This is really a simpler way to explain branding to new writers! What kinds of characters can we expect from this author? I loved that first book because that lady can write a kick ass mystery and her books have recipies! Tee hee!! I know a lady like that! Who doesn't want to revisit her characters and meet new ones? Keep your characters alive!
Alisha every word of this resonates so truly. I adore being part of the Princesses for the very same reasons. Having people at your back who get when you're a little crazy because you're on a deadline, or you've hit a wall because you've written yourself into a corner, or are there when you just need somebody to grumble with.
Being a part of this group has been great and getting to see everybody several times a year to plot, brainstorm, talk marketing and publicity, and just share ideas is the best.
Thank you for being a part of the Princesses with me. It wouldn't be the same without your smiling face. :-)
awe :) how sweet is that - have to admit I wouldn't get nearly as much done if not for the support of the princesses - y'all are a gems!
Hi, Phyllis! You can find good beta readers in our PP marketing group! That's where I find mine. Find readers who love our genre and just ask! Can't wait to see you!
Liz!!! Ha haaaaa!!!! So true!!!! We as writers are a little nutty! We hear voices so we have to find others who hear voices too or those who have coffee with their favorite characters!!! Lol!!!! And I agree, great beta readers can be found within writers who write your genre. I'm so excited for the retreat!
Awww, thank you, Kathy! We are all so lucky to have one another! I really think writing would be lonely without my PP girls!!
So true, Chris!! I love how we all motivate one another!!! And if someone falls off the wagon, we are all there dangling our arms, reaching out to pull that girl back up!!
I enjoy having you a part of our sisterhood too! Along with everyone else. You've lent a listening ear over the years to all my grumbling, which is always appreciated! Looking forward to many more years of our sisterhood!
What a great post and I so enjoy being a part of the princesses. Wish I was going to be at the retreat! Next year. You guys are the best!
Karilyn, I still remember the first time we met at the DARA meeting so long ago. :) Thanks for all the talks! I'm so glad you're a princess!
Hugs, Sylvia! We missed you and Karilyn and all the other princesses at the retreat! Good news is that we are talking of doing a retreat in early October! Woohooo!
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