Holiday Countdown Time!

Halloween is long gone and Thanksgiving and Black Friday ended last week. The stores have had holiday decorations up for months. Christmas is around the corner.
I have traditions with my family, and the most important one is watching the movie "White Christmas" on Christmas Eve.
Back in the dark ages, television had only a few networks. No cable, no videos. Just television. And on Christmas Eve, our local station would air "White Christmas."
When my grandmother was alive, my family and extended relatives went to her house on Christmas Eve. When we returned home afterwards, my sisters and I would turn on the movie. We knew all the songs and sang along.
I carried the tradition into my marriage, and when my boys grew old enough, they viewed it with me. (And yes, they learned the songs too!)
Over the years, my family and I have added to our movie repertoire. There's the one with the kid and the BB gun, "A Christmas Story." "Millions," "It's a Wonderful Life," "Stalag 17," "Love, Actually." And "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," "Charlie Brown Christmas," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
I like to watch each of those every year and preferably with a family member.
So let's start a list. What are your holiday favorites?
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Stalag 17
Love, Actually
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Charlie Brown Christmas
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
The Family Man
The Holiday
The Christmas Card
A Season for Miracles
Silent Knight
Silver Bells
Holiday in Handcuffs
The Family Stone
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
While You Were Sleeping
29th Street
Miracle on 34th Street (original)
The Bishop's Wife
The Polar Express
Christmas in Connecticut
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Carol
Holiday Affair
Bad Santa
Last Holiday
Holiday Inn
Star in the Sky
Bells of St. Mary
The Ref
Life of Brian
The Night They Saved Christmas
Scrooge w/Albert Finney
A Diva's Christmas
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol
Meet John Doe
Christmas in Canaan
Muppets Christmas Carol
The Santa Clause
The Family Man
The Holiday
The Christmas Card
A Season for Miracles
Silent Knight
Silver Bells
Holiday in Handcuffs
The Family Stone
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
While You Were Sleeping
29th Street
Miracle on 34th Street (original)
The Bishop's Wife
The Polar Express
Christmas in Connecticut
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Carol
Holiday Affair
Bad Santa
Last Holiday
Holiday Inn
Star in the Sky
Bells of St. Mary
The Ref
Life of Brian
The Night They Saved Christmas
Scrooge w/Albert Finney
A Diva's Christmas
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol
Meet John Doe
Christmas in Canaan
Muppets Christmas Carol
The Santa Clause
With a bowl of white cheddar cheese popcorn and a diet Coke, Vicki is on the couch and indulging in her favorite traditions. Find her at:
I LOVE Christmas stories and have loaded up my DVR with them to get me through the holidays. More movies I love are:
The Family Man
The Holiday
The Christmas Card
A Season for Miracles
Silent Knight
Silver Bells
Holiday in Handcuffs
The Family Stone
It's a Wonderful Life! (I still wish I could just see it on TV and "catch" it whenever it's on.)
You can tell I'm a Hallmark fan this time of the year.
Lisa Mondello
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles with John Candy and Steve Martin
Wow, Lisa, you have added quite a few to my list. And I can't believe I left off "It's a Wonderful Life."
Thank you so much for posting!!!
Hi, Brinda, I have never watched that movie. I'll check this one out and it brings to mind another fav, "Home Alone."
Thanks for commenting.
Your post puts me in the holiday mood. I like all the ones you mentioned, but I also like While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman (Romantic comedy) and Elf with Will Farrell (funny!)
There's an old one with Anthony Di Paglia that I absolutely loved, and I think it is around Christmas time or New Years, but I'm not sure. It's 29th Street. Go rent it!
Great post, Vicki.
My all-time favorite is A Charlie Brown Christmas but Home Alone (the original only) holds a special place in my heart since it was the first movie my husband and I saw together when we were dating. We still (after 20 years) have a special date night whenever we find out it's being aired.
Kay Manning
I enjoy White Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life, but my two favorite are the original Miracle on 34th Street and The Bishop's Wife. My favorite children's Christmas movie is The Polar Express.
I have to watch these movies when my family isn't around because they think their hokey. My granddaughter, Kylie, will humor me and watch The Polar Express with me.
Pam P.
Oh, I'm so glad Pam P added "Miracle on 34th Street." But "It's a Wonderful Life" is my absolute favorite. And with the kids, our favorite is "The Polar Express." Absolutely love the Hot Chocolate! scene. Fabulous!
Thanks so much for getting me in the spirit. :)
Vicki, I love Christmas movies. White Christmas is also one we watch every year. Here's a list of some of my faves. I'm sure I'll forget a few.
White Christmas
Christmas in Connecticut (my most favorite)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
It's a Wonderful Life
A Christmas Carol (the 1951 version with Alistair Sim is the best IMO)
Miracle on 34th Street (the original)
Holiday Affair with Janet Leigh and Robert Mitchum (catch this one if you can-a real romance)
The Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas romance movies
If I can think of more,I'll post them later.
My all-time favorite is "A Christmas Story." I can quote from it and the leg-lamp, a classic!
Wonderful Post! I'm so ready for Christmas stories. :) The only one I can think to add right now is the very first "Home Alone". LOL We watch it every Christmas with the kids.
Great list, Vicki! It's a Wonderful Life is my all time favorite!!! Jimmy Stewart is the best! Love, love, love him!!! And as far as Christmas comedies go, Bad Santa is hilarious with Billy Bob..though it is too naughty for! Did you see Michael Buble singing Christmas songs on the Today Show yesteday!? Thought of you. ;) You have to get his new Christmas album! I know I will!
wow - what a great post - I love OLD movies - I miss the days when networks had afternoon movies and the late late late movie instead of infomercials.
While I like the few traditional staples mentioend I'm with Pam on the Bishops Wife with Cary Grant - that is my all time favorite Christmas movie.
I also get a huge kick out of Christmas in connecticut with Barbara Stanwyck that Cara mentioned.
and I'm right with Liz with While You Were Sleeping - even though I think getting married in your pajamas with an IV is the dumbest idea the screen writes had - lol.
another movie I enjoy that I don't think was mentioned is an old remake with Queen Latiffa called Last Holiday. It's got a simple quirkiness to it much like the oldtime movies I so love to watch over and over.
Wow! Holiday movies...I look at the lists here and see how many I HAVEN'T seen! Wow That list is long,lol! I am embarrassed to say I have never seen It's a Wonderful Life...but Miracle on 34th street I have seen several times. I always liked How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Christmas Vacation & of course Home Alone! I always enjoyed the Christmas cartoons too!
~Cathy McElhaney~
Hi Vicki ... we love Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer and out of all the Christmas movies, this is the one we watch every year. The Christmas Story is next on our list.
Wow, can't believe it's almost Christmas already!
Hi, Liz! I can't believe I left off "While You Were Sleeping." It is so good (and you are right about the IV). That leaning in scene...fanning face.
Elf is hilarious and I've never seen 29th Street.
Once, I saw a movie I think featured Gary Cooper called "Good Sam." Ring any bells?
Hi, Kay. I'm with you on "Charlie Brown Christmas." I always sing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" with the movie. Really touches my heart.
I love all the "Home Alone" movies. I thought they were so innovative!
Thanks for posting!
Ah, Pam, you mentioned my main man, Cary Grant. Nobody was better and it is a fantastic movie.
I've not watched "The Polar Express." My boys read the book.
I shame my men into watching something with me during the holiday season. Tonight features "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."
Helloooo, Ms. Essex: The best line is in "It's a Wonderful Life": No man is alone who has friends. And I'm grateful to you for being mine.
Hi, Cara: you posted one I'd never heard of "Holiday Affair" with a fabulous actor, Robert Mitchum.
I think you better get the popcorn ready cause you have a long list! Happy watching. ox
Hi, Alisha: Did you know "It's a Wonderful Life!" was filed after WW2 and the first scene was the phone one with Donna Reed and he gets angry and kisses her? Can you imagine???
I've never seen "Bad Santa." I bet my men would like it.
I've had Michael since October. LOL. You know I adore his music!
Hi, Cathy: I'm with you on how long the list is getting and how many I haven't seen.
Did you catch the Grinch last night? My favorite line is "nasty, wasty skunk." LOLOL
Thanks for being with me today.
I knew I'd be smiling the entire time reading this. I love all the classics including The Bishop's Wife. Of course It's A Wonderful Life. Love Actually....OH MY GOSH! One of my favorites. There's one other I found because I was going through a Paul Walker obsession that is Noel. Different but strangely emotional. So many others...
I knew I'd leave here feeling magical...thanks Vicki. You know how to energize a day with that magical thing you do.
Hi, Sheila. As I mentioned, Rudolph is on tonight. Don't miss it!
One year we gave the boys BB guns. They got up early and came running into our room saying "we got BB guns!" Handsome and I said at the same time, "Don't shoot your eyes out." Instead, nearly a year later, they shot at each other in the house. Boys!
Happy holidays, my friend.
Hi, Karen: I'm so happy you like this month's posting.
I had not heard of the one with hunky Paul Walker, but will add it to our list and check it out.
I'm wishing you much more holiday magic. oxox
From girlfriend, Della, who couldn't get logged on :(
we have "Holiday Inn," and "A Star in the Sky."
For those who haven't heard of Star, my sissie found it after another holiday movie aired and fell in love with it. It is a special take on the Christmas Story, set in the west in the forties (?). No big deal famous actors, just a wonderful short film.
Wow, I really can't think of any that aren't on the list. I always watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas every year, have ever since I was a kid.
I love the Bishop's Wife and It's a Wonderful Life, too. Plus I just watched Love Actually just two nights ago. It really puts you in a warm, fuzzy place.
Great post. I'm loving all the new suggestions of movies I haven't seen yet. I'll definitely be checking these out.
I agree, Kathy, it's a good list. I missed Love, Actually. Rats! I'll have to pop in my DVD and grab a boy to watch with. LOLOL
Hi Vicki,
My favorite of all time is White Christmas. It is not Christmas for me unless I watch it. For a few years - between TV stations not showing it and the videos tape being released; I couldn't watch it and I missed it so much.
I can sing all the songs, quote most of the lines and get a wonderful, warm feeling all over when it's over.
I also put Holiday Inn and the Bells of St. Mary’s up way there in my favorite category. I enjoy While You Were Sleeping and Polar Express, but they aren’t yet on my must see every year list.
Great Topic, Vicki – Fun!
My favorite holiday movie tradition is watchin Monty Python's "Life of Brian.". It's about a half-Jewish half-roman boy born in the manger next to Jesus. It's a hoot!
The Ref is my favorite Christmas movie (Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey)...hubby and I watch it every year (with the kids if they're home)...I think it's the only one on the list I didn't see.
I like While You Were Sleeping, The Holiday, and of course all the classics! It wouldn't be Christmas without them!
Hi, Phyllis: Two years ago, all my family was in town for Christmas and on Christmas Eve, we stuck in the "White Christmas" DVD. We sang all the songs and laughed along. Too much fun. I completely understand how this movie moves you.
I'm going to add Bells of St. Mary! I have only seen part of it.
Hi, Tess: I had no idea "The Ref" is set at Christmas time. And all of those fabulous actors...looks like a must-see.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll add to the list. And happy holidays to you!
Hi, Michelle: copy cat :)
Hi, Diane: my boys LOVE "Life of Brian," but I hadn't thought of it as qualifying for a holiday movie; however, it is!
Thanks so much for your suggestion. I'm adding it now.
LOVE Elf, It's a Wonderful Life and The Christmas Story ("Daddy's gonna kill Ralphie..." - I'm giggling as I type!) Love the list! Thanks for letting us share our faves - you know I'm all about the movies!!!
Hi, Sasha: I had no idea our list would grow to be this humongous.
Here's one for you Sasha: "Good Sam," starring Gary Cooper, is about a family man whose generosity to everyone causes problems to at Christmas time. New meaning to the moral "what goes around comes around."
Hi Vicki,
I'm a big fan of Christmas movies. I like all of these listed and there are new ones here that I look forward to seeing. Are you going to post a summary?
Anyway, there is one I'd like to add.I like The Night They Saved Christmas; Jaclyn Smith and Art Carney. The acting is a little stiff, but the concept and visuals are fantastic.
Thanks for the fun topic!
Hi, Judy: I've been adding to the list as people have suggested new ones. Yours, "The Night They Saved Christmas," will go up right now. I'll put the list on FB too.
Have some popcorn and settle back!
My top three are already listed (The Bishop's Wife, Miracle on 34th Street and White Christmas), so let me add three Christmas Carol adaptations I enjoy: Scrooge starring Albert Finney, A Diva's Christmas starring Vanessa Williams and Mr Magoo's Christmas Carol. My eyes tear up just thinking about Jim Backus singing I'm all alone in the world. Another Frank Capra classic I like maybe even more than It's A Wonderful Life is Meet John Doe. Frank Capra's movies always go straight to my heart. Thanks for the post. I'm going to look up some titles I've never seen before.
Hi, Michal: Wow, you have added some really cool movies. And I absolutely agree with you, Meet John Doe is one of Frank Capra's best movies.
Thank you so much for the suggestions.
I love White Christmas, love the era and the feel. Got to watch the Grinch. Last year I watched a Hallmark movie, Christmas in Canaan that was good, another period flick. Don't laugh, but I also watch Three Days of the Condor, an old Redford/Dunway film. Hey, Silver Bells is playing in the background so that counts, right?
Hi, Pam: I don't know "Christmas in Canaan." I'll look it up. As for "Three Days of the Condor," I don't even remember music in the background at all, especially with hunky Robert Redford in any movie.
Thanks, girlfriend.
Here's some info on "Christmas in Canaan": from a book co-written by Grammy Award winner Kenny Rogers and Donald Davenport, a story of a unique friendship between two boys, one white and one black.
Thanks, Pam!
Hi Vickie,
I'm late to the party again. Actually we had our Christmas luncheon today at work. One of the ladies is going on medical leave, so we did it early, but the best surprise was the Christmas Bonus Check!! Yahoo!
You guys have listed all of my favorite movies. But I haven'seen Holiday in Handcuffs. I'm going to have to rent that one.
My favorite is It's a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street. My husband considers Die Hard our Christmas Movie. Go figure!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Hi, Sylvia: Happy dancing over the bonus check! Have fun with that.
I am still laughing over Holiday in Handcuffs. Let me know how that goes.
Merry Christmas to you. oxoxox
My favorite is The Grinch (the original one). Next up is Charlie Brown Christmas. I love Christmas time!!!
oh wow - how could I forget the bells of St. Marys' - though it isn't really centered around christms - it always plays at christmas time - or used to
and I loved the albert finney musical scrooge - I haven't seen it in decades but still remember the words to Thank you Very much!!! So glad someone reminded me - will have to check netflix!!
what a great idea this post was vicki -
Hi, Karilyn: I just finished Rudolph, caught Grinch yesterday and am waiting for Charlie Brown!
Hi, Chris: I'm glad you liked the post. I had fun posting everyone's suggestions.
I know another little girl who loved sneaking over from her grandmother's house on Christmas Eve to watch White Christmas with you. A movie for me that is synonimous with you.
I loved The Polar Express. I saw it in Wal Mart on a TV and started crying because of a traumatic time in our life dealing with my husbad's health.Then there is The Muppets version of A Christmas Carol that is sweet. The one with Tim Allen as Santa Claus is good. I like a lot of movies but we don't have any particular tradition of watching them. Probably because except for when we were in Germany and Hawaii we were always traveling for Christms with his family and mine. Never more than a few hours but we never watched movies.
Hi, Brandy! I'm so glad you posted about "White Christmas." I had so much fun sharing that movie with you. I hope you have traditions for your little ones. Merry Christmas and hugs to your family.
Hi, Kathy: you bring up two very good movies to add to the list. *thumping forehead* I can't believe I forgot the Santa Clause. It is fantastic. And the Muppets really rock.
Thanks for your suggestions and I'm adding them now. Have a wonderful holiday!
Wow! Great post and fun to read. All of my favs are already listed. I have my leg lamp from A Christmas Story in our front window. My daughter has the Aunt Clara bunny outfit. LOVE that movie. :)
Hi, Joya: You have to post a picture of the leg lamp. That's hilarious. Fra-gee-lee. And the suit. OMG. I think the house of the author is a museum.??
Our neighbors across the street introduced us to The Christmas Story a few years ago. We love watching it. My husband and I made the leg lamp for our neighbor. We found a leg model used in stores for hosiery sales at a garage sale for $3. So much fun sneaking around making it in the workshop. I had a hard time finding the stocking for it...anybody need one fish net stocking and one of the high heels? LOL..
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