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May 16, 2014

.@PhyllisMiddleton - An official announcement & time to party #MFRWorg #PlottingPrincesses


It is official. Earlier this Month,
I signed a publishing Contract
with Soul Mate Publishing for
my debut book

A romantic suspense

This book is ‘my baby’ and written In three months
in 2005, following My joining RWA and dara.
I was So inspired by these organizations
That The story figuratively ‘hit’ me in the head
 in One night in which I wrote the big black moment
 first and the first chapter next – in that one night.

I’d been writing stories since age 13, But it wasn’t
until 2005 that I decided To get serious about
writing and Learning the craft on my road to Becoming
a publisher writer. It’s been a 9 year journey.

I am thrilled to be able to Share with you
the EXCITEMENT of This ride.

By the way – I am the last of the plotting princesses
To become published. Well, somebody had to bring up the rear!
Phyllis Middleton



Karilyn Bentley said...

Congrats Phyllis!!! So happy for you!!!!!

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Phyllis! I'm thinking this PP princess saved the best for last. Congratulations on your book. I know how special it is and a this is a special day!

Sylvia said...

So happy for you Phyllis!! May this be the first of many sales.

Sylvia said...

So happy for you Phyllis!! May this be the first of many sales.