What’s your favorite place to read?
Fess up...
Are you a book snuggler, like me? Do you take one to bed with you? Do you read under the covers? At the Park?

Are you a sunny porch with a cup of tea reader? Do you have book tucked in your purse and whip it out whenever the opportunity to read arises?

As for me, I read everywhere and anywhere. I crave stories that make me feel strong, brave and happy. I love how the pages of a book can sail me off to a long lost time in history or an exotic foreign land that I would never get to explore in person.

--Kathleen Baldwin (KathleenBaldwin.com)
Author of award-winning Lady Fiasco, Book One in the Amazon Bestselling My Notorious Aunt
Traditional Regency romance series.
oh dear - what if we have more than one answer - LOL
What a fun survey -
can't wait to see the results Kat !
Hi Chris!
thanks for stopping by.
You can check as many boxes as you like! The results should pop up for you at the end of the survey.
I'd have to add, since I'm a reading opportunist and will read when and where I can: on the bus or train, on the elliptical machine or running on the treadmill - an acquired skill, standing in a line or when I was a child, at the diner table, where I kept being scolded to "put that book away!" Hmm..If I am dining alone now, something to read would in fact give me some fascinating diner company! :)
Even though, I answered in a recliner, I can read anywhere. When I used to travel a lot I always read in airports.
I read EVERYWHERE! I love reading in bed and in my comfy chair, but I really appreciate the escape of books the most when I'm nervous and trapped in my seat on airplane flights! :)
One of the things that I love about my e-reader is that I always have a book with me no matter where I am. :)
Thanks for the fun post.
Cheers, EE
I like to read curled up in a chair, but the truth is these days the only time I have to read is when I'm in the tub (the only place in the house where I have any kind of solitude)
The survey results are interesting. What a great way to include the reader into the blog! :)
Hi Clarissa! (waving)
Yep, I can picture you doing that. I know how much you love to read. I can't quite get the hang of the elliptical reading but I'm with you about reading on the train or bus. Anytime I'm waiting I whip out my book.
Hugs, thanks for dropping by.
Hi Sandy and Elizabeth!
Yep, I get a lot of reading in at the airport and on planes.
Thanks for weighing in!
Hi Susan!
Oh YES! I forgot to add reading in the bathtub!!! So relaxing.
By the way, I read a recent study that said reading a book lowers blood pressure and stress levels within minutes. I imagine reading a book in the bathtub is the ultimate relaxer.
Good comment!
Hi Melissa!
Thank you for dropping by. I'm glad you liked the blog.
Thanks for the compliment. We are all about our readers here at Plotting Princesses.
When we traveled I always took a book. Read at the airport, the plane, the hotel and any where else I was just sitting.
I read everywhere. I keep a book in my car, both bathrooms and in my purse. I have to have something available to read at all times.
But...let me choose an answer
My time is so limited anymore that I have a make time to read. But once I do, I'm nose in book or Kindle. I really enjoy reading. It's like taking a vacation.
Unfortunately, I had to give up most of my recreational reading when deadlines became a priority. However, after listening to Nora at RWA San Antonio, I have made a promise to myself to try to read more. I have scads of books on my kindle waiting.
Fun survey, Kat.
Hi Kat, What a fun post!
Okay, I confess, I am an audio book person. I can listen and be totally involved, but being active with errands and chores.
Some books have had me glued to the corner of the couch, flipping pages as fast as i can read. However, if a book - although very good - doesn't make me stick, my mind starts thinking I could or should be doing this or that. So, that is why I have embraced audio books so strongly.
Hi Dyanne!
Clearly you are a woman after my own heart reading whenever and wherever. No need to pick only one. The form allows for multiple answers.
Thanks for visiting with us.
Hi Ms. Ayers!
Yep, me, too. In my case its often my only vacation. :-)\
Thank you for weighing in.
Hi Phyllis and Liz!
Liz, I know what you mean about deadlines Liz. I'm on a strict one now. But I find that if I take a little time to read it frees up my thinking. Stimulates creativity.
Phyllis, I miss audio books. I used to listen to them when I had to drive the kids a lot. It's been a while. But I love being read to. Something so soothing about it.
Where I get most of my reading done wasn't listed...I like to read on the bus ride to and from work.
Hi Angela!
You're right. that should be on there. We had several people mention it.
Thanks for coming by.
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